Zion-PTC / zion-network-state

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ZION - Network State

Zion is a network state based on Music. We are building a community which shall be united by a strong ideology of collectivism with the sole aim to make the people of the community thrive and live a life full of meaning. There for we are building an Operative System for the DLT technologies world.

In this document

About the Repo

This repo contains the open source software which will constitute a solid base for the relazation of all the informatic technologies needed by the community to crate, design, project, develop, produce and distribute contents and goods.
Obviously this repo at the time being is just a first small step towards the ambitious goal.

ZION follows the DIY concept. We manifestly do pretend to own our contents and not rely on third parties data-centers. Our applications will grow with the engagement of the community, so expect some plain html on some pages!


Zion constitution will be realized through a collective effort and it will be deployed on the blockchain.


Technical Section

Architectural design

The zion-network-state is set to work on a distributed server system of Kubernetes Clusters. Therefore, every application is meant to run in a containerized environement, where the connection between services happens inside the Kubernetes cluster environment. There for the structure will composed of several "stand-alone" applications, which would communicate with instances of other applications deployed in the containerized environment. Static contents are served via the IPFS system. Dynamic contents need a server who provides the informations required by the client, therefore Zion uses a distributed network of master and worker nodes, who will be loading the state-less applications which will communicate with relay databases which will hold short-living documents before they are distributed on the IPFS network.

The design is meant to work with several distributed computers, initially, to be able to handle the complexity of installation, we


The zion-network-state repo is a Monorepo which uses bolt to manage packages and applications. Every application and package has its own repo. This means that by downloading the repo of the application or package alone, one should be able to work on that part of the code independently. This can happen as long as the packages are actually downloadable from the npm package repository.



This application is meant to deal the complexity of the minting process by providing the interfaces needed by different smart contracts methods.

Each smart contract has its own functionality. We will provide a set of smart contracts which are the result of the composition of several smart contracts standards (EIPs), and with this application we will distribute user interfaces which easily enables them to interact with zion smart contracts.

We will provide also with a simple tool which will enable to interact with any smart contract by simply providing some informations (notably address and ABI).

In a first stage this application will serve to showcase the beta version of Elsewhere, in particular the release of the first 1000 OG tokens. We will build this application enabling it to display profiles and collections, and slowly we will decouple the minting process and the interactions which actually change the state of the blockchain from the browsing and displaying parts. This will enable use to be able to implement some sort of gated access on some features that we may want to offer with some form of contribution, fee, stake or whatever the DLT technologies can inspire us with.


The social application will enable users to interact with smart contracts in a social network type of vibe.

Users will be able to browse and create several type of contents:

How it works

Install bolt

npm i -g bolt


start bolt which will download the dependencies:



then build the applications and packages:

bolt build


In order to start the a development server with the target application at the moment you need to pass one of this two commands:

bolt nft-minter


bolt social

This will start both applcations in development mode and create a local server.


In order to be able to deploy the applications on the kubernetes system we need to create a DOCKERFILE for each application. Once the docker file has been tested and it works correctly it can be deployed on the k8s system and replicated as needed.