ZmjbS / tsar

Django project for managing members and events at an SAR unit.
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Tsar is a management system designed for a particular Search and Rescue unit in Iceland. It may eventually be of use to others who have to manage members, groups, events and inviations to those events.

Setting up a development environment

Create a virualenv for the git repository:

virualenv tsar-zmjbs

or whatever you want to call it. Move into the virualenv, activate it and then clone the git repository:

cd tsar-zmjbs
source bin/activate
git clone

Then move into the repository and install the necessary packages:

cd tsar
pip install -r requirements.txt

You're now ready to generate the database (you want to use this opportunity to create an admin user) and load some initial data from the available fixtures:

python syncdb

Fire up the development server:

python runserver

and open a browser at . Log in and create a member for yourself and any other member that you want to be able to log into the development system. Begin by adding the first and last names for the Auth user object that you just created (this is used for displaying the member object). Then add a Members member and point it to the Auth member. Each member will need these objects (until we migrate to the new Django auth system).

Then dump their data into a json fixture so that you can load that on top of the dummy members.

python dumpdata auth.user members.member > fixtures/actual-members.json

Now we can load the fixtures:

python loaddata fixtures/showcase-events_metadata.xml
python loaddata showcase_events.xml

python loaddata fixtures/showcase-members_metadata.xml
python loaddata fixtures/showcase-3h-user_member.xml
python loaddata fixtures/actual-members.json

python loaddata fixtures/
python loaddata fixtures/showcase-groups.membership.json

I hope all went well because that's it. You're now ready to fire up the development server (if it's not still running) and play around. Run:

python runserver

Point the browser to and off you go...