Zoapp / backend

Zoapp is an ES2017 javascript framework to build cool backend
MIT License
4 stars 0 forks source link


Status Codacy
Badge GitHub
license npm

JavaScript ES7 framework to build cool backend applications.

Getting started


First of all, make sure you have Node 8.x and Yarn installed.

You will also need MariaDB 10.2 or mysql 5.7.


TODO: write this section


Please, see the CONTRIBUTING file.


This project adheres to Semantic Versioning 2.0.0. The different versions of this project can be found here: https://github.com/Zoapp/backend/releases. In short, the version number is made of three digits, separated with a dot: x.y.z:

Release Process (How to create a new release/version?)

:warning: Important: please keep the CHANGELOG file up to date before creating a new release.

In order to create a new release, you can use npm version . Assuming we are at version 0.3.2 and we want to release 0.3.3. Locally, in the master branch, you can run the following command:

$ npm version patch

This command performs the following tasks:

You can use npm version minor to release 0.4.0 from 0.3.1 (it bumps the second number and resets the last number). You can also use npm version major to release 1.0.0 from 0.3.1. See the previous section about semantic versioning.

Then, you can push to the repository:

$ git push origin master --tag

The tag will be pushed to GitHub and Travis CI will trigger the automatic release process setup on this project (see: .travis.yml).

How to create "development" releases?

Sometimes, you want to create a new release because this project is a dependency of another project you are working on and you want to try the changes you have just made. In that case, it is not recommended to release a new version because you are likely working in a (feature) branch and you should always release new versions from the master branch.

Instead, you can publish a "dev" package locally as described below:

  1. update the version in package.json without commiting it, it is only used to create a unique package, so you can bump the patch number (z in x.y.z)
  2. create the "dev" package:

    $ yarn distribute:dev

That's it! You have a .tgz package in the dist/ folder (e.g., zrmc-v0.7.1.tgz). Now you can add this package into your other project by running:

$ yarn add file:/path/to/your/backend/dist/zrmc-v0.7.1.tgz

When you are satisfied with the current state of your feature branch, undo the package.json version change and merge the branch into the master branch. Next, you can go to your master branch, getting the latest commits from GitHub (git pull) and follow the procedure "Release Process (How to create a new release/version?)" to release a "production" package.

In your other project, you can re-add your dependency with yarn but that time, you can directly use its name:

$ yarn add zrmc


There is a default configuration that lies in src/defaultAppConfig.js. This default configuration can be overriden by passing a config object to the createZoapp function. It also can be overriden with environment variables like the following : To override global.database.host, inject the following env variable : ZOAPP__GLOBAL__DATABASE__HOST.

As a consequence, use _ rather than camelCase in config keys.

Config sources & priorities

  1. Environment vars starting with ZOAPP_
  2. Config in createZoapp(config, ...)
  3. Fallback to ./src/defaultAppConfig.js

Contributor Code of Conduct

Please note that this project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms. See CODE_OF_CONDUCT file.


zoapp-backend is released under the MIT License. See the bundled LICENSE file for details.