ZoetropeLabs / iot-list

An attempt at curating the Internet of Things (IoT) space, to make researching and starting an IoT project quicker. Curated by https://zoetrope.io
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iot-list - Very Beta

IoT list curates the many IoT platforms, services, development kits etc from around the web.

It was inspired by our own troubles with finding and indexing IoT projects and companies.

Pull requests welcome.

Maintained by Zoetrope IoT consulting/development


Entry Format

  1. Company name (linked)
  2. -
  3. Very brief, non salesy synopsis
  4. (Type) - Choose from {OSS|SaaS|Closed|Free|Consulting}

IoT Hardware development

IoT software

IoT technology

IoT data platforms

IoT analytics

IoT home automation

IoT Consulting