ZohoDevelopers / zoho-sso-sp-with-oauth

A Sample Connected App (in PHP) using Zoho CRM for Single Sign On. Connected Apps lets third party service integrate with Zoho CRM over SAML 2.0 and OAuth 2.0 frameworks. Create an Extension in Zoho Developer console to get started.
3 stars 4 forks source link

Upload the project on your server and configure the following files for OAuth and SAML.

SAML Configuration

  1. Open file saml_config.ini in the config folder.

      ; Enter SP details (Entity-Id,Acs Url) you would have to register this in zoho developer console
      sp_entity_id = "yoursite.com"
      acs_url = "https://yoursite.com/zohosp/saml/login.php"
      ; Copy The IdP details from Developer Console and paste it here.
  2. Get the details of the IdP (idp_login_url and idp_loginout_url) from Zoho Developer Console -> connected App SAML configuration Page, and fill them here. Set your site's domain and login path as sp_entity_id and acs_url.

  3. Download the certificate from Partner Console's configuration page and save it as cert.pem in the resources folder.

More help on this at https://www.zoho.com/developer/help/extensions/custom-php-connected-app.html

OAuth Configuration

  1. Open file oauth_config.ini in the config folder.

    ; you can add other scopes in Authorize_url as per your need
    Authorize_Url = "https://accounts.zoho.com/oauth/v2/auth?scope=ZohoCRM.crmdataaccess.ALL&access_type=offline" 
    Access_Token_Url = "https://accounts.zoho.com/oauth/v2/token"
    Refresh_Token_Url = "https://accounts.zoho.com/oauth/v2/token"
    Refresh_Token_Url = ""
    Client_Id = ""
    Client_Secret = ""
    Redirect_Uri = "http://yoursite.com.com/zohosp/oauth/auth_redirect.php"
  2. Set the client_id and client_secret that you received during your oauth client registration from Zoho Developer Console.

Note: The OAuth2 is in beta yet. For test purpose an api to get a lead is provided in the test folder, which uses the oauth token.