Open 314159265359879 opened 3 weeks ago
Serialized stacks transaction blob as logged by this build
we found the issue, handling empty strings in the UI. it would be part of the next release
Although it is already fixed, it could not make it for the next released which is around the corner, however, we can include this as an update for another release along with #176
I retested this case, it was known to fail and I thought it may have been resolved by some of the recent updates, but it wasn't.
Environment tested with Ledger Nano S+ firmware 1.1.1 and 1.1.2, also with Stacks app version 0.23.3, 0.24.2, 0.24.4 and 0.24.5.
Steps to reproduce
The error is a very general one, what is causing this exactly?
On the software wallet this transaction can be signed. I would like to understand why exactly the error is thrown.
:link: zboto Link