Zondax / ledger-stacks

Apache License 2.0
17 stars 7 forks source link
blockstack ledger

Ledger Stacks app

stability-wip License npm version GithubActions

This app is still work in progress!

This project contains the Stacks app for Ledger Nano S and X.




Download and install

Once the app is approved by Ledger, it will be available in their app store (Ledger Live). You can get builds generated by CircleCI from the release tab. THESE ARE UNVETTED DEVELOPMENT RELEASES

Download a release from here (https://github.com/Zondax/ledger- /releases). You only need installer_s.sh

If the file is not executable, run

chmod +x ./installer_s.sh

then run:

./installer_s.sh load



Warning: Some IDEs may not use the same python interpreter or virtual enviroment as the one you used when running pip. If you see conan is not found, check that you installed the package in the same interpreter as the one that launches cmake.

How to build ?

We like clion or vscode but let's have some reproducible command line steps

Running tests

How to test with Zemu?

What is Zemu?? Great you asked!! As part of this project, we are making public a beta version of our internal testing+emulation framework for Ledger apps.

Npm Package here: https://www.npmjs.com/package/@zondax/zemu

Repo here: https://github.com/Zondax/zemu

Let's go! First install everything:

At this moment, if you change the app you will need to run make before running the test again.

make zemu_install

Then you can run JS tests:

make zemu_test

To run a single specific test:

At the moment, the recommendation is to run from the IDE. Remember to run make if you change the app.

How to debug a ledger app?

You can use vscode or clion to debug the app. We recommend using CLion but we provide a vscode (unsupported) configuration too.


If you are using CLion, you need to a configuration file in your home directory: $HOME/.gdbinit with the following content:

set auto-load local-gdbinit on
add-auto-load-safe-path /


There are a few things to take into account when enabling Ledger App debugging:


  1. Build your app

  2. Define your debug scenario

    Open tests/zemu/tools/debug.mjs and look for the line:

    /// TIP you can use zemu commands here to take the app ...

    You can adjust this code to get the emulator to trigger a breakpoint in your app:

    • send clicks
    • send APDUs, etc
  3. Launch the emulator in debug mode

    If you didnt install Zemu yet (previous section), then run make zemu_install

    make zemu_debug

    The emulator will launch and immediately stop. You should see a black window

  4. Configure Clion debugger

    Your configuration should look similar to this:


    Check that the path mappings are correct

  5. Start CLion debugger

    You will hit a breakpoint in main. Add breakpoints in other places and continue.

    Enjoy :)

Using a real device

How to prepare your DEVELOPMENT! device:

You can use an emulated device for development. This is only required if you are using a physical device

Please do not use a Ledger device with funds for development purposes.

Have a separate and marked device that is used ONLY for development and testing

There are a few additional steps that increase reproducibility and simplify development:

1 - Ensure your device works in your OS

2 - Set a test mnemonic

Many of our integration tests expect the device to be configured with a known test mnemonic.

3. Add a development certificate

Building the Ledger App

Loading into your development device

The Makefile will build the firmware in a docker container and leave the binary in the correct directory.

APDU Specifications