Zouclar / MyShop

MyShop is a simple Symfony application between Shop and Products
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MyShop is a simple Symfony application between Shops and Products with api documentation and admin plateform



To clone my project do:

git clone https://github.com/Zouclar/MyShop.git

After run cd MyShop

To install dependencies of my project just run:

composer install

warning You have to rename your ".env.example" into ".env" and customize to correspond to your database, just report to the doc warning

To have my database structure run:

php bin/console doctrine:database:create


php bin/console doctrine:schema:create

You have new database with my structs !

Now to populate your DB, Run:

php bin/console doctrine:fixtures:load

It's done, now just run:

symfony server:start


To Administration:

Go to : cd my-admin/ Folder and run:

yarn install

After That just run:

yarn start

Here, you can have all commands allowed in my-admin project


And go To:



Enjoy !