Ztaeyn / HomeAssistant-VTR-Modbus

Simple control of Systemair VTR(300) via modbus directly to HA.
17 stars 5 forks source link

Mostly bugfixes #20

Closed picamodel closed 6 months ago

picamodel commented 7 months ago

-There is a race condition with duration setpoints and their readbacks from Modbus. When making lots of changes, sometimes the setpoints get overwritten with an old value. -It's mostly fixed. But could be completely fixed by having separate readback and setpoint fields, but this would take extra UI space, and you don't change these often anyway. -Reduced the scan interval on duration settings to 9 s. -Added 11 s delay to sync of settings VSR->HA. -Made automations independent. -Added back the comments on connection settings -Fixed away mode setpoint -Fixed countdown for holiday mode -Changed input number sliders to boxes