Ztaeyn / HomeAssistant-VTR-Modbus

Simple control of Systemair VTR(300) via modbus directly to HA.
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homeassistant modbus-tcp systemair


Simple control of Systemair VTR(300) via modbus TCP (Wifi) directly to HA.

Credits to GMTrevis who created the original code for Home Assistant, and then improved it for use via Node-Red. The Node Red version has full control of the VTR, but I had issues where it overloaded my Node-Red. I found his incomplete Home Assistant code, and am working on filling it out for my own experiences.

And a big thanks to cmragnar who branched off and created a package out of this, which I'm now merging in and will continue fixing on that instead.

With this you currently can:

Known Issues: See Issues Tab.


HACS addons used:

Image of my Control Panel with full settings. A feedback check is added for Setpoints, with a comparison of the input number and the VTR sensor. Green when matching, Red when matching/waiting for sync.

For the daily driver I have an overview with room cards displaying the operational state.

With the room having a stripped down setup, linking via Config to the control panel.

Hardware required: (For my setup) A modbus tcp converter. I use the EW11 from Aliexpress, via Wifi. https://www.aliexpress.com/item/33036056772.html?spm=a2g0o.order_detail.0.0.2613f19cZlIBKq

How to install this:

Files explained: User Interface/* - Copy of my HA card layout modbus.yaml - Stored in the HA root folder. Contains the system specific settings, and the modbus sensors. NOTE: The addresses has an offset of -1 compared to the VTR user manual linked. configuration.yaml - Configured paths to the various functions. I have multiple files for various things, therefore I've placed the files under folders in HA as here in github.