Zulko / gizeh

Simple Vector Graphics for Python
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.. image:: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Zulko/gizeh/master/logo.jpeg :alt: [logo] :align: center

Gizeh - Cairo for tourists

Gizeh is a Python library for vector graphics:

.. code:: python

# Let's draw a red circle !
import gizeh
surface = gizeh.Surface(width=320, height=260) # in pixels
circle = gizeh.circle(r=30, xy=[40,40], fill=(1,0,0))
circle.draw(surface) # draw the circle on the surface
surface.write_to_png("circle.png") # export the surface as a PNG

You can see examples of Gizeh in action (combined with MoviePy to make animations) in this blog post <http://zulko.github.io/blog/2014/09/20/vector-animations-with-python/>_.

Gizeh is written on top of the module cairocffi, which is a Python binding of the popular C library Cairo_. Cairo is powerful, but difficult to learn and use. Gizeh implements a few classes on top of Cairo that make it more intuitive.

Gizeh should work on any platform and with python 2 and 3.


To use Gizeh you must first install Cairo_ on your computer (see their website).

Gizeh depends on the Python packages cairocffi and Numpy. They will both be automatically installed (if they aren't already) during the installation of Gizeh. If you have trouble with the installation, head to the last section of this README for troubleshooting. If it doesn't help, you can ask for help on Github.

Installation from the sources: Gizeh can be installed by unzipping the source code in some directory and using this command in the same directory: ::

(sudo) python setup.py install

Installation with pip: Alternatively, you can install Gizeh directly from the Python Package Index with this command: ::

(sudo) pip install gizeh

This method may fail if ez_setup is not installed on your computer. In this case install ez_setup first, with ::

(sudo) pip install ez_setup

Contribute !

Gizeh is an open-source software written by Zulko and released under the MIT licence. The project is hosted on Github. Everyone is welcome to contribute !

User Guide

This guide, along with the examples in the gizeh/examples folder, should give you everything you need to get started. To go further, read the function docstrings.


A Surface is a rectangle of fixed dimensions (in pixels), on which you will draw elements, and that you can save or export as an image:

.. code:: python

    import gizeh

    # initialize surface
    surface = gizeh.Surface(width=320, height=260) # in pixels

    # Now make a shape and draw it on the surface
    circle = gizeh.circle(r=30, xy= [40,40], fill=(1,1,1))

    # Now export the surface
    surface.get_npimage() # returns a (width x height x 3) numpy array


Basic elements are circles, rectangles, lines, texts, etc., that you can draw on a surface using my_element.draw(surface). You can specify the properties and coordinates of these elements at creation time:

Examples of elements:

.. code:: python

Pi = 3.14
circ = gizeh.circle(r=30, xy=(50,50), fill=(1,1,1))
rect = gizeh.rectangle(lx=60.3, ly=45, xy=(60,70), fill=(0,1,0), angle=Pi/8)
sqr = gizeh.square(l=20, stroke=(1,1,1), stroke_width= 1.5)
arc = gizeh.arc(r=20, a1=Pi/4, a2=3*Pi/4, fill=(1,1,1))
text = gizeh.text("Hello world", fontfamily="Impact",  fontsize=40,
                  fill=(1,1,1), xy=(100,100), angle=Pi/12)
polygon = gizeh.regular_polygon(r=40, n=5, angle=np.pi/4, xy=[40,50], fill=(1,0,1))
line = gizeh.polyline(points=[(0,0), (20,30), (40,40), (0,10)], stroke_width=3,
                     stroke=(1,0,0), fill=(0,1,0))

Fill and stroke

When you make a shape, the fill and stroke parameters can be one of the following:


Any element can be transformed (translated, rotated or scaled). All transformations are *outplace*: they do not modify the original element, they create a modified version of it.


.. code:: python

    square_1 = gizeh.square(l=20, xy = [30,35], fill=(1,0,0))
    square_2 = square_1.rotate(Pi/8) # rotation around [0,0] by default
    square_3 = square_2.rotate(Pi/4, center=[10,15]) # rotation around a center
    square_4 = square_1.scale(2) # two times bigger
    square_5 = square1.scale(sx=2, sy=3) # width times 2, height times 3
    square_6 = square_1.scale(2, center=[30,30]) # zoom: scales around a center
    square_7 = square_1.translate(xy=[5,15]) # translation


A Group is a collection of elements which will be transformed and drawn together. The elements can be a basic element (square, circle...) or even groups.


.. code:: python

square = gizeh.square(l=20, fill=(1,0,0), xy=(40,40))
circle = gizeh.circle(r=20, fill=(1,2,0), xy=(50,30))
group_1 = gizeh.Group([square, circle])
group_2 = group.translate(xy=[30,30]).rotate(Pi/4)
group_3 = gizeh.Group([circle, group_1])

surface = gizeh.Surface(width=300,height=200)

That's all folks !

That's about all there is to know.
To go further, see the examples in the ``examples`` folder or the documentation
directly in the code.

Installation support

Sometimes the installation through `pip` fails because

Some people have had problems to install ``cairocffi``, Here is how they solved
their problem:

On Debian/Ubuntu ::

    sudo apt-get install python-dev python-pip ffmpeg libffi-dev
    sudo pip install gizeh

On macOSX ::

    pip install ez_setup

    brew install pkg-config libffi
    export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/Cellar/libffi/3.0.13/lib/pkgconfig/

    # go to https://xquartz.macosforge.org and download and install XQuartz,
    # which is needed for cairo, then...
    brew install cairo

    pip install gizeh

.. _Zulko : https://github.com/Zulko
.. _Github: https://github.com/Zulko/gizeh
.. _Cairo:  http://cairographics.org/