Zumpel96 / Teuerungsportal

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The "Teuerungsportal" (Translated: inflation portal) is a portal to keep track of the inflation in austrian supermarkets and also to compare prices.



Unfortunately, it is known that the performance of this site is not the best. The reason for this is that the infrastructure, in order to scale well, is relatively expensive. If you like the project and would like to support it directly, you are welcome to leave a small donation on PayPal.

Donate here



Get Categories https://api.teuerungsportal.at/categories

Returns all categories and the corresponding child categories as sub-elements.

Get Categories Ungrouped https://api.teuerungsportal.at/categories/ungrouped

Returns all categories without the grouping of the sub-elements.

Get Category https://api.teuerungsportal.at/categories/{categoryName}

Returns a categories meta data by its name.

Get Category Price Changes https://api.teuerungsportal.at/categories/{categoryId}/prices

Returns all price changes of a category (excluding new entries).

Get Category Products https://api.teuerungsportal.at/categories/{categoryId}/products/{page}

Returns a paginated result of all products of a category. Only 25 Products are loaded at once.

Get Category Products Pages https://api.teuerungsportal.at/categories/{categoryId}/products/

Returns the number of pages for the products pagination.


Get Product https://api.teuerungsportal.at/products/{articleNumber}/store/{storeName}

Returns a products meta data by its article number and the store name.

Get Product Price Changes https://api.teuerungsportal.at/products/{productId}/prices/{page}

Returns a paginated result of all price changes of a category. Only 25 Products are loaded at once.

Get Product Price Changes Pages https://api.teuerungsportal.at/products/{productId}/prices

Returns the number of pages for the price pagination.

Get Product Search https://api.teuerungsportal.at/products/search/{searchString}/{page}

Returns a paginated result of all products who fit the search criteria. Only 25 Products are loaded at once.

Get Product Search Pages https://api.teuerungsportal.at/products/search/{searchString}

Returns the number of pages for the search pagination.

Get Products Without Category https://api.teuerungsportal.at/products/noCategory/{page}

Returns a paginated result of all products without a category. Only 25 Products are loaded at once.

Get Product Without Category Pages https://api.teuerungsportal.at/products/noCategory

Returns the number of pages for the products without category pagination.

Post Update Product Category https://api.teuerungsportal.at/products/{productId}/category/{categoryId}

Updates the category of a product, if there is currently no set category.


Get Stores https://api.teuerungsportal.at/stores

Returns all stores.

Get Store https://api.teuerungsportal.at/stores/{storeName}

Returns a stores meta data by its name.

Get Store Price Changes https://api.teuerungsportal.at/stores/{storeId}/prices

Returns all price changes of a store (excluding new entries).

Get Store Products https://api.teuerungsportal.at/stores/{storeId}/products/{page}

Returns a paginated result of all products of a store. Only 25 Products are loaded at once.

Get Store Products Pages https://api.teuerungsportal.at/stores/{storeId}/products/

Returns the number of pages for the products pagination.


Get Announcement https://api.teuerungsportal.at/announcement

Returns the current announcement. If there is none, it returns empty strings for the content fields.

Get Donators https://api.teuerungsportal.at/donators

Returns all the donators.

Get Recent Price Changes https://api.teuerungsportal.at/prices

Returns all the price changes of the last 30 days.