ZupIT / beagle-web-components

Project: Produto - Beagle
Apache License 2.0
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About this repository

This repo intends to concentrate all the Beagle default components for Beagle-Angular and Beagle-React. For now, it is not a priority to decouple these components from the core libs, since it will take a considerable amount of work.

Testing the default components with instrumented tests is something that can be born decoupled from the libs, for this reason, we use this repo, for now, only to test the default components.



First, clone this repo, then use yarn (or npm) to install the dependencies.

git clone git@github.com:ZupIT/beagle-web-components.git
cd beagle-web-components
cd automated-tests/angular9
cd ../react
cd ../common

You will also need to clone the Beagle main repository to run the backend services. The backend services are responsible for serving the views for our tests.

git clone git@github.com:ZupIT/beagle.git



First, make sure the backend for the tests is up and running. Inside the Beagle's main repository folder, go to the directory backend and use the command ./gradlew automated-tests:bootRun to start it.

cd backend
./gradlew automated-tests:bootRun


All the steps below must be executed under the directory corresponding to the beagle-web-components repository.

The second step is to run the applications you want to test. To run angular, go to the directory automated-tests/angular and type yarn start. To run the react app, go to the directory automated-tests/react and type yarn start

# angular
cd automated-tests/angular9
yarn start
# react
cd automated-tests/react
yarn start


To run the tests themselves, under the directory automated-tests/common, use the command yarn test.

# run all tests
yarn test
# run only tests for angular
yarn test:angular:9
# run only tests for react
yarn test:react
# run a specific feature
yarn test:angular:9 TAGS="@pageview"

When running the tests for the first time, it will take a while to check the installation of Cypress. If it fails with a timeout, please try again.


All tests are placed under the directory automated-tests, which has the following structure: