Zylann / voxelgame

Voxel world prototype made with Godot Engine
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Voxel game demos (Godot Engine 4.0)

This project contains several scenes to test and demo the voxel module I'm developing for Godot Engine.



This project uses a C++ module:

For the old (unmaintained) pure-GDScript version, checkout the branch full_gdscript.

Runnable scenes

Blocky Game

This game is a demo meant to be a practical example of using VoxelTerrain with a blocky look. It is not complete, some features might be incomplete, but it doesn't aim to be a finished game.

It can be played in multiplayer. You can either host a game, join a game, or play without multiplayer. Synchronization is very basic: players are authoritative of their physics, but voxels are sent by the server, and edited on the server.