a-b-street / geom

A wrapper around georust for A/B Street
Apache License 2.0
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This crate contains primitive types used by A/B Street and osm2streets. There are many assumptions (and bugs) driven by these use cases, so it's not recommended to depend on this for new work. The crate both wraps georust and adds its own (usually buggy) algorithms. The long-term fate of this crate of this library is unknown; ideally it's replaced entirely by georust or becomes a very thin wrapper on it.


Many of the types are geometric: Pt2D, Ring, Distance, Line, InfiniteLine, FindClosest, Circle, Angle, LonLat, Bounds, GPSBounds, PolyLine, Polygon, Triangle.

Some involve time: Time, Duration, Speed.

And there's also a Percent wrapper and a Histogram.