a-blondel / mohh2-server

Server for Medal Of Honor Heroes 2
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Medal Of Honor Heroes 2 Server [Wii/PSP]

Designed to replace EA's closed ones.


Link : https://discord.gg/fwrQHHxrQQ

It is used to :

Fell free to join !


Everything to know is in the Wiki
It contains :

Development Status

Work In Progress - The Wii version allows to access the main menu, leaderboards and lobbies while the PSP version disconnects before login screen.
You can follow the progress on the project board.

player-details leaderboards
Player details / Leaderboards

lobbies game-join
Lobbies / Game joining



Note that error messages eg 'invalid password'/'unknown account' are more or less complete.


1/ Riivolution patches (Wii only)

To make the game to use this server you need to activate Riivolution patches when starting the game.
Patches can be found here : https://github.com/a-blondel/mohh2-wii-patch

2/ Hosts file or DNS

In order to intercept requests from the game, you must either use a DNS server or edit your hosts file.

Add these lines to your hosts file (C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc) : wiimoh08.ea.com pspmoh08.ea.com naswii.nintendowifi.net

Unbound configuration (service.conf) :

    # verbosity level 0-4 of logging
    verbosity: 1

    # On windows you may want to make all the paths relative to the
    # directory that has the executable in it (unbound.exe).  Use this.
    directory: "%EXECUTABLE%"

    # if you want to log to a file use
    logfile: "unbound.log"

    interface: ::1
    interface: # CHANGE IT !

    port: 53

    access-control: allow
    access-control: allow
    access-control: ::1 allow

    root-hints: "named.cache"

    local-zone: "wiimoh08.ea.com" static
    local-data: "wiimoh08.ea.com A" # CHANGE IT !

    local-zone: "pspmoh08.ea.com" static
    local-data: "pspmoh08.ea.com A" # CHANGE IT !

    local-zone: "naswii.nintendowifi.net" static
    local-data: "naswii.nintendowifi.net A" # CHANGE IT !

Change to your server's IP address.

3/ JDK

This project has been initiated with the JDK 17, download it if needed.

4/ Maven

If you have downloaded Intellij, Maven comes bundled with, otherwise download the latest version of Maven.

Maven profile

Some properties like the SSL port are region-dependant, therefore they must be changed accordingly to the version of the game.
A maven profile exists for each region:

Currently, all profiles are located in application.yml as there won't be many region-based properties.
When you don't specify any maven profile, it fallbacks to wii-pal.

5/ Define the host machine

Configuration is defined in application.yml.

Currently, multiplayer isn't supported (only single player online), so udp.host can remain, players will "host themselves".

As for tcp.host, it depends on your use case :

Run the server

1. Build the project

Run the following command :
mvn clean package

2.a Start the server in Intellij

Create a new Application config in Intellij and set the following entry-point (main class) :


The default profile is wii-pal.
If you need to specify a profile, be sure to check Add VM options (or use Alt+V), then fill the field with :


Define the environment variables matching your need, mostly for the database (see Database chapter), e.g. :


Replace with your own values.

2.b Start as a standalone jar

After a successful build, get into the target folder and execute one the following commands:

java -DDB_URL=jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/mohh2db -DDB_USERNAME=user -DDB_PASSWORD=password -DLOGS=C:/moh/logs -DTCP_HOST_IP= -jar mohh2-server-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar

If you need to specify a profile, add the following option :


2.c Start with Docker

Open a terminal at the root of the project (where the Dockerfile is located). If you are using WSL :

cd /mnt/c/path/to/the/project

Create the image

docker build --tag mohh2-server:latest .

First, you need to start a postgres container after creating a network :

docker network create mohh2-network

docker run -d --restart=unless-stopped --network mohh2-network \
  -e POSTGRES_USER=user \
  -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=password \
  -e POSTGRES_DB=mohh2db \
  -p 5432:5432 \
  --name postgres \

Then, you can start the server using the network :

docker run --name mohh2-wii-pal --rm -it \
  -p 21171:21171 -p 21172:21172 -p 21173:21173 \
  -e "SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE=wii-pal" -e "LOGS=./logs" -e "TCP_HOST_IP=" \
  -e "DB_URL=jdbc:postgresql://postgres:5432/mohh2db" \
  -e "DB_USERNAME=user" -e "DB_PASSWORD=password" \
  --network mohh2-network \

Follow the same steps as above to define the network and add postgres to it.
Then, you can start the server using the network :

docker run --name mohh2-wii-ntsc --rm -it \
  -p 21121:21121 -p 21172:21172 -p 21173:21173 \
  -e "SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE=wii-ntsc" -e "LOGS=./logs" -e "TCP_HOST_IP=" \
  -e "DB_URL=jdbc:postgresql://postgres:5432/mohh2db" \
  -e "DB_USERNAME=user" -e "DB_PASSWORD=password" \
  --network mohh2-network \

If started in background, here is how to open a bash in the container :

docker container ls
docker exec -it <container-id> bash

Note that you can use a volume to persist the data of the postgres container and automatically restart the container when you boot WSL, see the Database chapter for more information.


To manage the database schema, liquibase is used.

It is recommended to use a postgres database.
You can install it on your machine or use a docker container.

Data samples are provided in the db/samples folder for a quick start :

You can use a docker container to run an instance of postgres :

docker pull postgres:latest

docker run -d --rm \
  -e POSTGRES_USER=user \
  -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=password \
  -e POSTGRES_DB=mohh2db \
  -p 5432:5432 \
  --name postgres \

To persist the data and automatically restart the container when you boot WSL, you can use :

docker pull postgres:latest

mkdir ~/postgres_data

docker run -d --restart=unless-stopped \
-e POSTGRES_DB=mohh2db \
-p 5432:5432 \
-v ~/postgres_data:/var/lib/postgresql/data \
--name postgres \

Don't forget to set the environment variables (DB_URL, DB_USER and DB_PASSWORD) of the server !
See "Run the server" chapter for a full example.

Connect Mode

To enable connect mode, set udp.connect-mode.enabled to true in application.yml.
Don't forget to replace 41 by 40 at 0x8001BEB4.