Duality Engine is written in C++
- Renders using OpenGL 3.3+ , hoping to move to Vulkan soon!
- Uses SDL 2 for windowing/context creation and user input
- Uses Open Asset Importer (assimp) for 3D model loading
All game data is kept in components, which are kept in unsorted associative collections (hash maps).
Components are just bags of data. They are implemented as structs with no methods.
Components are accessible with an ID number, and two components that share an ID are considered by the engine to be parts of the same entity.
Examples of components include
- a position component to supply an entity with a location in 3D space
- a model component to give an entity visual geometry
- a camera component to allow the viewport to "see" from an entity's point of view.
Note There really are no entities, per se. An entity is an abstraction, described best as several components that share an ID. As such, pointers to components are not required.
A system is a set of code that runs on a loop, driven by an engine.
Systems are where all the game logic (the functions) lie.
Systems have access to the collection of components, and operate on the appropriate ones every "tick".
Examples of systems include
- Rendering system - draws any existing model components each tick
- Ballistics system - if a position component exists at the same ID as a velocity component, moves the position component accordingly each tick
An engine is essentially just a managed thread that can loop the "tick" of one or more systems that have been assigned to it.
Examples of engines include
- Graphics engine - calls tick() on various rendering systems and maybe an animation system in a loop
- Physics engine - calls tick() in a loop on a Ballistics system, a Collision system, a user input system, and more.
It's all configurable, lending a flexibility to multithreading.
This is ideal for online games that draw game data froma server. It also makes saving and loading game states naturally very simple.
Make sure the following are installed: SDL2, OPENGL version 3.3+, GLEW, Open Asset Importer, FreeType2, CMake version 3.3+ On windows, you'll need to add the above as environment variables. eg: name:SDL2 value: "C:\Program Files (x86)\SDL2-2.0.3"
run cmake on the DualityEngine root directory from the directory in which you'd like Duality to be built.
run make from that same build directory
Make sure the following are installed: SDL2, OPENGL version 3.3+, GLEW, Open Asset Importer, FreeType2
sudo apt-get install libsdl2-2.0-0
sudo apt-get install libsdl2-dev
sudo apt-get install libglew-dev
sudo apt-get install libfreetype6-dev
sudo apt-get install libglm-dev