a-lakh / DT2-ACBS

This repository contains the source code of our ICCV 2021 paper, Learning of Visual Relations: The Devil is in the Tails.
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Pytorch Implemetation of DT2-ACBS

LICENSE Python PyTorch

This repository contains the source code of our ICCV 2021 paper, Learning of Visual Relations: The Devil is in the Tails.

[Project Website] [Paper]


  1. Overview
  2. Install the Requirements
  3. Prepare the Dataset
  4. Training on Scene Graph Generation
  5. Evaluation on Scene Graph Generation
  6. Citations



Check INSTALL.md for installation instructions.


Check DATASET.md for instructions of dataset preprocessing.

Pretrained Models

To keep the training process faster, we provide pretrained model weights of ResNet trained on Visual Genome dataset, which is used by default to start training the model in stage-1. This can be found in the pretrained_model folder under the name "resnet101_VG.pth". We also provided the model of DT2-ACBS which gave us the best results after the two-stage training. It can also be found in the pretrained_model folder under the name "updated_distill_KD_gnd_a0.2_t10_last_model.pth".

Both of these models can be downloaded from Here

Training on Scene Graph Generation

There are three standard taks: (1) Predicate Classification (PredCls): taking ground truth bounding boxes and entity labels as inputs, (2) Scene Graph Classification (SGCls) : using ground truth bounding boxes without entity labels, (3) Scene Graph Detection (SGDet): detecting SGs from scratch.

However, the code-base doesn't perform objet detection as our paper deicded not to focus on the detection problem as it has been widely studied. Hence, there is no seperate training option for Scene Graph Detection (SGDet). The argument --train_task is used to select the task for training the model and --init_weight_path can be used to provide model weights to start the training.

Predicate Classification (PredCls)

The network is trained in two stages. These stages follow diffrent sampling strategies. (1) Standard Random Sampling (SRS): sampling images uniformly, independent of their class labels - both feature extractor (φ) and output softmax layer parameters W are jointly learned (2) Class Balanced Sampling (CBS): sampling uniformly over classes such that all classes are present equally - the feature extractor (φ) is fixed and the output softmax layer parameters W are relearned. The argument --stage is used to select the sampling stage.

For Standard Random Sampling (SRS):

python train.py --train_task 1 --stage 1

For Class Balanced Sampling (CBS):

python train.py --train_task 1 --stage 2

Scene Graph Classification (SGCls)

The network is trained in two stages. These stages follow diffrent sampling strategies. (1) Standard Random Sampling (SRS): sampling images uniformly, independent of their class labels - both feature extractors (θ,φ,ψ) and output softmax layer parameters W^e and W^p are learned for both predicate and object classification independently (2) Alternating Class Balanced Sampling (ACBS): uniform alternate sampling over classes from predicate distribtion and object distrbution - the feature extractors (θ,φ,ψ) are fixed and the output softmax layer parameters W^e and W^p are relearned through knowledge distilation between alternate steps. The argument --stage is used to select the sampling stage. We also provide the option of using the type of object labels you want to feed the predicate classifier while training. (1) Type=0: Use Object ground truth labels for predicate classification (2) Type=1: Use Object classifier labels for predicate classification. The argument --type is used to pick type of object labels.

In adittion, the ACBS stage requires a few hyper-parameters --alpha, --beta, --temperature which are by default set to the optimum values of 0.2, 1 and 10 respectively. You can also use weight matrix based knowledge transfer in ACBS stage by enabling --non_soft_label_kd.

For Standard Random Sampling (SRS):

python train.py --train_task 2 --stage 1

For Alternating Class Balanced Sampling (ACBS) with object ground truth labels for predicate classification:

python train.py --train_task 2 --stage 2 --type 0

For Alternating Class Balanced Sampling (ACBS) with object classifier labels for predicate classifion:

python train.py --train_task 2 --stage 2 --type 1

Other Training Arguments

General Training Arguments

Flags Description
--experiment_root root where to store models, losses and accuracies
--cuda enables cuda
--batch_size number of samples within each batch, default=256
--epochs number of epochs to train for, default=20
--init_weight_path path to the initial model weights, default=None

Scheduler Arguments

Flags Description
--learning_rate learning rate for the model, default=0.001
--lr_scheduler_step StepLR learning rate scheduler step, default=20
--lr_scheduler_gamma StepLR learning rate scheduler gamma, default=0.5

Sampler Argumets

Flags Description
--iterations_train number of train episodes per epoch, default=100
--iterations_val number of validation episodes per epoch, default=10
--pred_classes_per_it number of random classes for predicate sampling based training, default=49 (max_val=49)
--obj_classes_per_it number of random classes object sampling based training, default=150 (max_val=150)
--pred_num_samples number of samples per class to use predicate sampling based training, default=5
--obj_num_samples number of samples per class to use predicate sampling based training, default=2


There are three standard taks: (1) Predicate Classification (PredCls): taking ground truth bounding boxes and entity labels as inputs, (2) Scene Graph Classification (SGCls) : using ground truth bounding boxes without entity labels, (3) Scene Graph Detection (SGDet): detecting SGs from scratch.

However, the code-base doesn't perform object detection as our paper deicded not to focus on the detection problem as it has been widely studied. Hence, we use already detcted bounding boxes results stored as "object_detection_info.json" in the dataset folder. This file contains object bounding boxes from mask-rcnn trained on Visual Genome dataset. The argument --test_task is used to select the task for evaluating the model and --init_weight_path is used to provide model weights.

For Predicate Classification (PredCls):

python test.py --test_task 1

For Scene Graph Classification (SGCls):

python test.py --test_task 2

For Scene Graph Detection (SGDet): [Currenlty Not Supported]

python test.py --test_task 3


Please kindly consider citing our project or paper in your publications, if this project helps your research.

    title={Learning of Visual Relations: The Devil is in the Tails},
    author={Alakh Desai and Tz-Ying Wu and Subarna Tripathi and Nuno Vasconcelos},
    booktitle={IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV)},