UI React components written (styled for multiple resolutions via flexbox)
Hardware back button set to exit app so we don't have to think about it creating other states
App exiting implemented
docs written
Snapshot Testing (Jest) learned (because experience with testing is good, and because implementing it supports a CI-based dev workflow)
UI Snapshot Test (Jest) written
Mobile build working on CI
Mobile test passing on CI
CI connected to github for branch status communication
Phase 2: Same chart. Dynamic Data. 3 States.
data loading strategy decided (pull... push is too complex)
state management strategy decided
state management method learned (e.g., apollo, redux, etc)
data loading method decided (from file? API, etc?)
error conditions decided
error state(s) mocked up
loading state mocked up
new UI broken down into components
UI components architected
state shape planned
state shape implemented
loading logic implemented
error handling logic implemented
state wired into UI components
Jest tests written for each State
docs written
Phase 3: N charts. Dynamic Data. N States.
I doubt we'll get this far. I'll call phase 1 a win and phase 2 a stretch goal.
much more into UX here.
storyboard behavior flows (e.g, nav, screens, paths from each screen, in-app vs hardware back button behaviors from different screens, possible states within screens, etc..., etc..., etc..., interaction is where stuff gets really complex)
implement ios E2E testing (Detox) to ensure all behavior flows work as expected
implement android E2E testing to ensure all behavior flows work as expected
implement ios E2E testing on CI (BitRise)
implement android E2E testing on CI (BitRise)
all the state stuff necessary for handling the flows
all the UI architecture for getting the right components the right data in the right states at the right times...
This is all off the top of my head, so may need some revision. Should be pretty close though.
Phase 1: One chart. Mocked Data. One state (i.e. static).
Phase 2: Same chart. Dynamic Data. 3 States.
Phase 3: N charts. Dynamic Data. N States.