a-laughlin / 3308proj

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Project Title: Heart-a-tracker




Python >= 3.7
Node.js >= 10
Yarn >= 1.15
UI built with create-react-app.
UI dependencies
Express+GraphQL API Dependencies


Pulling from Master to your personal branch

git checkout <your branchname>
yarn pull

See Code Contribution Flow for more details on our flow.

Pushing from your personal branch to your remote branch (to PR master)

yarn push
For development speed and process consistency, this runs all tests locally, pushes to github, and triggers a travis CI build. If all pass, it then opens a new browser tab with PR to master prepopulated.
See Code Contribution Flow for more details on our flow.

Running the Web + API in dev mode

yarn dev
Starts the API and UI
On change, reloads UI/API and re-runs affected UI tests


Machine Learning: "yarn test-ml" All integration & unit tests yarn test Update Jest snapshots "yarn update-test-snapshots" see TESTING.md for user acceptance tests

Tech Stack Overview (at V0.2, aka project end)

* For performance, we'd normally use something like nginx or apache to route static file requests, but using express for everything is simpler, and simplicity trumps performance in our context.

Tech Stack Image Source

Project Directory Structure

(tests colocated with files, suffixed with _test or .test)

├── src
│   ├── api                                     see src/api/README.md
│   │   ├── __snapshots__                       jest testing snapshots
│   │   ├── datasource-apis
│   │   │   ├── filesystem.js
│   │   │   ├── ml.js
│   │   │   └── sqlite.js
│   │   ├── api.js
│   │   ├── graphql-server.js
│   │   ├── graphql-server.test.js
│   │   ├── package.json                        api project dependencies/scripts
│   ├── ml                                      pytorch machine learning
│   │   ├── README.md                           machine learning documentation
│   │   ├── Models.py
│   │   ├── ml_utils.py
│   │   ├── ml_utils_test.py
│   │   ├── predict.py
│   │   └── train.py
│   ├── mobile                                  our original react-native mobile ui (now unused)
│   └── web                                     react web ui
│       ├── public                              static files
│       │   ├── index.html                      main index.html
│       │   └── manifest.json                   specify project behavior if "installed" as PWA
│       ├── src
│       │   ├── sample_data                     sample data for testing (in web/ to work with react build)
│       │   │   ├── README.md
│       │   │   ├── ml_input_foo.json
│       │   │   ├── ml_input_sine.json
│       │   │   ├── ml_model_foo.pt             stored prediction model
│       │   │   └── ml_output_foo.json
│       │   ├── App.js                          main web code
│       │   ├── App.test.js                     integration tests (disabled until react update fixes warnings)
│       │   ├── graphql-client.js               apollo graphql client
│       │   ├── hooks.js                        react "hooks" for components to use
│       │   ├── hooks.test.js                   unit+integration tests
│       │   ├── index.css                       global tag styles + reset.  (other styles inline)
│       │   ├── index.js                        loads App.js, includes some unused PWA infrastructure
│       │   ├── serviceWorker.js                for use if we go the PWA route
│       │   ├── style-string-to-obj.js          inline style generator
│       │   ├── style-string-to-obj.test.js     unit tests
│       │   ├── utils.js                        utlities (mostly FP)
│       │   └── utils.test.js                   unit tests
│       ├── Home_page_screenshot_V00.png        mockup for v0.0
│       ├── Error_screenshot_V01.png            mockup for v0.1
│       ├── Loading_screenshot_V01.png          mockup for v0.1
│       ├── README.md                           web docs
│       ├── jest.config.js                      configure jest testing
│       └── package.json                        react project config
├── Pipfile                                     pipenv setup
├── README.md                                   main project documentation
├── TESTING.md                                  user acceptance test cases
├── build.py                                    for building/testing/cleaning tasks
└── setup.sh                                    project setup/installation for different platforms

Team member’s names

  • Adam Laughlin
  • Ben Wilson
  • Brian Solar
  • Chris Powell

Vision statement: what would you tell potential customers?

Predict future heart behavior.

Motivation: why are you working on this project?

This project combines the interests of our group into one cohesive idea.

Risks and Mitigation Strategies:

  • Risk: No prior experience working with these team members impacting our success.

  • Mitigation Strategy: Start with some ice breakers, share experiences from previous classes, find a shared goal we can all get behind

  • Risk: Schedules interfering

  • Mitigation Strategy: Find a backup time to meet in case we can't meet at the normal scheduled time. We can also meet without someone if they can meet with a group member before hand. If we can project manage well enough we can have our meeting without someone

  • Risk: Not learning the necessary tools/skills in time: Pytorch, etc.

  • Mitigation Strategy: Fall back on simpler APIs, such as Keras/sklearn Use tools that are in one’s experience

  • Risk: Not having the necessary tools/frameworks available: Backend not supporting Pytorch

  • Mitigation Strategy: Fall back on simpler APIs, or ones that are supported Adapt the problem to one that can be accomplished with the available tools

  • Risk: Not having the necessary data Heart rate data (clean) over a period of time

  • Mitigation Strategy: Synthetically generate our own data Use publicly available data (such as on Kaggle or university research websites)

  • Risk: One member not completing a task required for the group to move forward

  • Mitigation Strategy: Have each story assigned to two members (one primary, one secondary) to encourage accountability Have early deadlines for completion, allowing an assessment on progression and follow-up action to push for a timely completion

  • Risk: Lack of access to test devices Building for iOS or Android with only some team members having access

  • Mitigation Strategy: Discuss what device we all have access to, possibly loading it onto our roommate’s phone to be able to complete stories on our own Look for software that acts like a mobile OS as an environment

  • Risk: Spending too much time at any point in the development Creating too many stories or spending too many resources in a section that creates a limited amount of time for the other areas

  • Mitigation Strategy: Estimate the number of days and hours we have in total and attempt to assign portions of development to stages of the process, i.e. 10% to UI, 10% to data pipeline, 50% to neural network algorithm and improvements to it, etc… Attempt to project manage on a larger scale before breaking it down into stories and sprints, understanding when we need to take the actions outlined above because we no longer have time to spend on that part of the project.

  • Risk: Different data collecting devices and data formats Apple Watch, Garmin, FitBit, Jawbone, etc, with different data types

  • Mitigation Strategy: This could be luxury if we aren’t able to find time for it. Try to find an intermediary, such as Apple’s Health app, who already transforms and stores the data

Project Management Process decided: (e.g., scrum, kanban: with specifics!)

Yes, we're doing scrum with our weekly meetings. We're meeting weekly. We're beginning to plan out time based sprints.

  1. Issue ownership: determining who is going to take ownership of issues based on skill set, time commitment, availability etc.
  2. Issue Selection
  3. Issue Flow
  4. Done defined (definition TBD)
  5. Project tracker supports PM process stages
  6. Meetings 6.1 Sprint planning meetings 6.1.1 Issue ownership 6.1.2 Issue selection 6.2 Retrospective meetings (done at the beginning of Sprint planning meetings) 6.3 Stand up meetings

Project Management Tooling



Sprint Backlog

Review Requested


Story Labels

Estimates 2h, 4h, 8h, 16h Instead of using story points, we're going with # of hours estimated to eliminate unnecessary indirection. at 16h, it's likely we'll break it down into smaller stories. We may add a shorter one for small admin tasks. Class Milestones m1, m2, ... ,m7 Version Milestones v0.0.0, v0.0.1, v0.0.2, v0.0.... whatever we get to by the course end. Project Parts mobile, ML, apiin, apiout, devops, admin, dpipe (data pipeline) User Value Estimates u1 (nice to have), u2 (important), u3 (critical) Dev Value Estimates d1 (nice to have), d2 (important), d3 (critical) Issue States bug, duplicate, regres (Regression - was working, now broke) Misc meeting_notes (taken during meetings, like sprint retrospective/planning)

Definition of Done (for code stories)

Dev Process (i.e., Git Flow, vs Trunk-Based Development)

Code Contribution Flow

Mostly trunk-based for speed. Active development happens in non-changing individual branches to:


Build Process Flow


Dev Tooling (for our own reference, and milestone 5)

Project Management Stack

Version Control

Mobile Stack

ML Stack

Communication Tools

CI Tooling





Main mock up still applicable, adding loading and error states:
