a-ono / redmine_ckeditor

Redmine plugin for integration CKEditor
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= Redmine CKEditor plugin

This plugin adds the text formatting for using CKEditor to Redmine.

Since version 1.0.0, it includes {Rich}[https://github.com/bastiaanterhorst/rich] and supports image uploads.

== What is CKEditor?

CKEditor is a WYSIWYG text editor. See {the official site}[http://ckeditor.com/] for more details.

== Requirements

{ImageMagick}[http://www.imagemagick.org/] (Since version 1.0.0)


apt-get install imagemagick

Mac OS X

brew install imagemagick

== Plugin installation and setup

  1. Download the {zip package}[https://github.com/a-ono/redmine_ckeditor/archive/master.zip] and extract the directory that it contains into the plugins directory (make sure the name is redmine_ckeditor)
  2. Install the required gems (in the Redmine root directory) bundle install --without development test
  3. Execute migration rake redmine:plugins:migrate RAILS_ENV=production
  4. Start Redmine
  5. Change the text formatting (Administration > Settings > General > Text formatting) to CKEditor
  6. Configure the plugin (Administration > Plugins > Configure)

=== Upgrade

  1. Replace the plugin directory (plugins/redmine_ckeditor)
  2. Install the required gems bundle install --without development test
  3. Execute migration rake redmine:plugins:migrate RAILS_ENV=production
  4. Delete old assets rm -r public/plugin_assets/redmine_ckeditor
  5. Restart Redmine

=== Uninstall

  1. Change the text formatting (Administration > Settings > General > Text formatting) to textile

  2. Rollback the migration

    rake redmine:plugins:migrate  NAME=redmine_ckeditor VERSION=0 RAILS_ENV=production
  3. Delete the plugin directory (plugins/redmine_ckeditor)

== CKEditor customization

=== Plugins

You can download plugins from {Add-ons Repository}[http://ckeditor.com/addons/plugins/all]. To activate the plugin you have to copy the plugin directory into assets/ckeditor-contrib/plugins and restart Redmine, then configure toolbar settings.

=== Skins

You can select third-party skins placed in assets/ckeditor-contrib/skins directory.

=== Configuration

You can configure {CKEditor settings}[http://docs.ckeditor.com/#!/api/CKEDITOR.config] and HTML sanitizer by using the REDMINE_ROOT/config/ckeditor.yml file. cp plugins/redmine_ckeditor/config/ckeditor.yml.example config/ckeditor.yml

== Migration notes

This plugin stores contents in HTML format and renders as is. If you have old contents, these look weird.

You can use {redmine_per_project_formatting}[https://github.com/a-ono/redmine_per_project_formatting] plugin for backward compatibility or execute redmine_ckeditor:migrate task for migrating old text to HTML. rake redmine_ckeditor:migrate RAILS_ENV=production FROM=textile TO=html You can also use PROJECT parameter to migrate only specific projets rake redmine_ckeditor:migrate RAILS_ENV=production PROJECT=project_identifier1,project_identifier2 FROM=textile TO=html This task requires to {install Pandoc}[http://johnmacfarlane.net/pandoc/installing.html].

== Upgrading CKEditor (for development)

  1. Checkout the new version of CKEditor(full package) in the submodule directory

    git submodule update --init cd app/assets/javascripts/ckeditor-releases git checkout FULL_VERSION (e.g. full/4.4.6)

  2. Execute generator

    rails generate redmine_ckeditor:rich_assets