a-paranjape / sahyadri-sandbox

Sandbox for testing codes and scripts related to Sahyadri simulations at IUCAA/TIFR/IISER-Pune/NCRA
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Sandbox for testing codes and scripts related to Sahyadri simulations at IUCAA/TIFR/IISER-Pune/NCRA


As an offshoot of the 2nd edition of the PMCAP meeting held at IUCAA, Pune, it was decided to build a suite of cosmological N-body simulations that explore various cosmological and dark matter models using high-resolution, intermediate volume configurations that are optimal for exploring statistics related to the cosmic web, beyond-2pt observables and the small-scale phenomenology of dark matter.

The simulation suite is named Sahyadri (inspired by the mountain range one must cross to travel between Pune and Mumbai), with a smaller pilot study named Sinhagad (after a popular mountain in the range).

This repository collects various pieces of code and general information that is needed for setting up and running individual realisations in Sahyadri or Sinhagad. The information here should, in principle, suffice to set up an end-to-end local pipeline that starts with calculating a transfer function, performs the simulation, finds halos and finally analyses all the output to produce some basic summary statistics like power spectra and mass functions.

Code list

We will use the following codes:

  1. Transfer function: CLASS -- see here
  2. Initial conditions and N-body simulation: GADGET-4 (includes NGen-IC) -- see here; documentation is also copied in docs/gadget-4
  3. Halo finding:
    1. Individual snapshots: ROCKSTAR -- see here
    2. Merger trees: CONSISTENT-TREES -- see here
  4. Post-processing: Included as a customizable Python script here

Installation tips

Here we provide some installation tips for setting up these codes in a PBS environment. For further details, please see the individual documentation pages linked above.

List of modules

Include the following line in the install user's .bashrc file, replacing the module names with local ones (the ones below are for installing on Pegasus)

module add null gcc/11.2.0 anaconda3 hdf5-1.14.2 openmpi-4.1.5-gcc-11.2 fftw-3.3.10 gsl-2.6 gcc-8.2.0

Including anaconda3 ensures that the command python links to Python3.

Envirnoment variable

it is best to define the following environment variables by copying these lines to your bashrc or equivalent files

#Gadet_related stuff
export CODE_HOME= path to the directory where we should find a code directory and all installation needs to be in this dirctory
export SANDBOX_DIR= Path to sahyadri-sandbox directory, i. e. this repositories clone

Installing CLASS

  1. Download the latest class_public***.tar.gz file from the CLASS repository and unzip it in the local install folder. The install folder should be $CODE_HOME/code/Class/ . After unzip the folder should be named class_public with path should look like $CODE_HOME/code/Class/class_public/
  2. The Makefile should not need any edits if the module list above is loaded.
  3. Run the following in the class_public folder
    make clean

    which should compile the code with Python support.

Installing GADGET-4

Note 1: The tips below will produce an installation compatible with the run_gadget.sh script in this repository.
Note 2: It is highly recommended to read through the GADGET-4 code documentation.
Note 3: All appearances of Pegasus or pegasus can be consistently replaced with any local cluster name.

  1. Create and navigate to the folder $CODE_HOME/code/Gadget-4/ where $CODE_HOME is the path to the install user's home (e.g., /mnt/home/faculty/caseem)
  2. Clone into the GADGET-4 git repository here.
  3. Create Makefile.systype in gadget4/:
    1. In the gadget4/ folder, copy the file Template-Makefile.systype to Makefile.systype.
    2. Edit Makefile.systype and add an uncommented line SYSTYPE="Pegasus".
  4. Create Makefile.comp and Makefile.path in gadget4/buildsystem/:
    1. In the gadget4/buildsystem/ folder, copy Makefile.comp.gcc to Makefile.comp.pegasus
    2. In the same folder, create a file Makefile.path.pegasus with library and include paths. E.g., with the modules loaded above, the contents of this file would be
      GSL_INCL   = -I/mnt/csoft/libraries/gsl-2.6/include
      GSL_LIBS   = -L/mnt/csoft/libraries/gsl-2.6/lib
      FFTW_INCL  = -I/mnt/csoft/libraries/fftw-3.3.10/include
      FFTW_LIBS  = -L/mnt/csoft/libraries/fftw-3.3.10/lib
      HDF5_INCL  = -I/mnt/csoft/libraries/hdf5-1.14.2/include
      HDF5_LIBS  = -L/mnt/csoft/libraries/hdf5-1.14.2/lib
      HWLOC_INCL = 
      HWLOC_LIBS = 
  5. Edit gadget4/Makefile: Look for the code block starting with the comment #define available Systems. Just beneath the comment, include the following lines of code
    ifeq ($(SYSTYPE),"Pegasus")
    include buildsystem/Makefile.comp.pegasus
    include buildsystem/Makefile.path.pegasus

    appropriately replacing the Pegasus references with the local names used for these files.

  6. Compile executables. We will need a binary executable for each PM configuration. We will organize these into different folders under code/Gadget-4/' (i.e., one level abovegadget4/') labelled by the mesh size. E.g., the binary for a 10243 grid with NGen-IC support will sit in the folder mesh1024-NGenIC, and for the same mesh but without NGen-IC in the folder mesh1024.

    Below, we will always assume that a simulation with N3 particles will use a (2N)3 mesh. The primary job submission script is hard-coded for this. To change this assumption, the submission script must be edited.

    Here we focus on a 10243 grid (i.e., a simulation with 5123 particles) with NGen-IC support, whose binary will sit in Gadget-4/mesh1024-NGenIC/. Repeat the following steps for each such required mesh size / IC combination.
    To disable NGen-IC support, simply skip the last 2 lines of step iii and the last line of step iv.

    1. Create the folder Gadget-4/mesh1024-NGenIC/.
    2. Copy the file Config.sh' fromGadget-4/gadget4/toGadget-4/mesh1024-NGenIC/` and open it for editing in the latter folder.
    3. Uncomment the following lines:
      # PERIODIC
      # LEAN
      # OUTPUT_POTENTIAL # if gravitational potential needed in output
      # NGENIC_2LPT # if 2LPT needed, else leave commented for Zeldovich
    4. Uncomment and set the following variables
      # PMGRID=1024 # mesh size along each dimension
      # MAX_NUMBER_OF_RANKS_WITH_SHARED_MEMORY=32 # set to number of cores on each node, default 64. 
      # NGENIC=512 # half of mesh size, can be different but see comment above
    5. Run the code
      make clean DIR=$CODE_HOME/code/Gadget-4/mesh1024-NGenIC
      make DIR=$CODE_HOME/code/Gadget-4/mesh1024-NGenIC

      The script here automates the compilation of binaries for mesh sizes 1283 to 40963, with and without NGen-IC support, assuming the required folders and Config.sh files exist. It can be run from the folder Gadget-4/gadget4/. Executing ./makeallgrids.sh clean will pass the clean flag to all compilations, while ./makeallgrids.sh will compile the binaries.

Installing ROCKSTAR

We use ROCKSTAR version 36ce9eea36ee with some custom modifications to enable

This Should be installed at $CODE_HOME/code/Rockstar/

ROCKSTAR can be installed with GADGET-4 HDF5 support by simply typing `make' at the command prompt in the install folder after making all changes mentioned in the file above.

Contact Aseem Paranjape for help installing this modified version.


Should be installed at $CODE_HOME/code/ConsistentTrees/ The name of the directory should be consistent_trees under the above directory

  1. Clone into the CONSISTENT-TREES repository here.
  2. Type make at the command prompt in the install folder.


Aseem Paranjape: aseem_at_iucaa_dot_in