a-v-s / make_arch_sd

Make ArchLinux ARM SD cards for various SBCs
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Scripts to create SD cards with ArchLinux (ARM) for SBCs. At the moment only for ArchLinux ARM but RISC-V support will be added at some point in the future.

Be warned, this is a work in progress, results may not be stable yet. Don't blame me if it formats your hard disk in stead of the SD card!

These scripts will download the rootfs tarball for the appopiate architectute, partition and format the SD card, extract the tarball to the root file system, install bootloaders where applicable to the SBC, then arch-chroot into the rootfs (this requires qemu-user-static and qemu-user-static-binfmt when running on an x86-64 host), create an UUID based fstab and install the latest updates.

For SBCs not officially supported by ArchLinux ARM, the script will build the appropiate bootloader from upstream u-boot sources (Banana Pi, Le Potato). When building u-boot, an appropiate cross-compiler is required. For 32-bit ARM targets, arm-none-eabi-gcc will do. For 64-bit ARM targets aarch64-linux-gnu is used. While the 32-bit compiler is intended for embedded and the 64-bit compiler is for Linux, the choise is what is available in the Arch repositories. For building u-boot this difference does not matter.

Supported so far

Requirements: This script is designed to run on Arch Linux


A thanks to @sehraf. Their project builds ArchLinux RISCV sd cards for the Nezha board. This was the inspiration to start a project for building sd cards for various boards, as the official ArchLinux ARM SD card creation is a manual process.