a0xnirudh / WebXploiter

WebXploiter - An OWASP Top 10 Security scanner !
GNU General Public License v3.0
74 stars 21 forks source link

WebXploiter V0.1

This is a basic version of WebXploiter. As of now, it will do a basic Recon and print the results back.


Just run python install.py from install directory. Rest is taken care of :)


usage: WebXploiter.py [-h] [-u U] [-a] [-A1] [-A3]

Do a basic Recon for Web challenges

optional arguments:
  -h, --help    show this help message and exit
  -u U, -url U  Target URL to Recon
  -a, -all      Try all possible attacks
  -A1           Test for only Injection Attacks
  -A3           Test for only XSS Attacks

Sample Output:

A sample output against localhost:

python WebXploiter.py -u "http://localhost/challs/action.php" -a

m     m        #      m    m        ""#             "      m
#  #  #  mmm   #mmm    #  #  mmmm     #     mmm   mmm    mm#mm
" #"# # #"  #  #" "#    ##   #" "#    #    #" "#    #      #
 ## ##" #""""  #   #   m""m  #   #    #    #   #    #      #            """  
 #   #  "#mm"  ##m#"  m"  "m ##m#"    "mm  "#m#"  mm#mm    "mm

        #   "#  mmm    mmm    mmm   m mm
        #mmmm" #"  #  #"  "  #" "#  #"  #
        #   "m #""""  #      #   #  #   #
        #    " "#mm"  "#mm"  "#m#"  #   #

Response Headers:

x-powered-by           : PHP/5.5.9-1ubuntu4.11
set-cookie             : lol=bG9sCg%3D%3D, PHPSESID=44705989020
keep-alive             : timeout=5, max=100
server                 : Apache/2.4.7 (Ubuntu)
connection             : Keep-Alive
date                   : Fri, 07 Aug 2015 18:13:27 GMT
content-type           : text/html
Robots.txt Analysis:



PHPSESID               : 20639818163
lol                    : bG9sCg%3D%3D

Base64 Encoded Cookies: (Attention!)
lol                    : lol

Possible Attack:

POC: lol: bG9sCg%3D%3D'
Error Based SQL Injection (Cookie Based)
Refer: https://www.exploit-db.com/docs/33253.pdf

Possible Attack:

Error Based SQL Injection (User-Agent)
POC: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:39.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/39.0'

Refer: http://resources.infosecinstitute.com/sql-injection-http-headers/

Vulnerability Analysis:

  1. Reconnaissance:

    • HTTP Header checks
    • HTTP enabled methods check (Cross Site Tracing)
    • Cookie checks (decodes base64 automatically)
  2. Information Disclosure:

    • Robots.txt Analysis
    • .htaccess public access check
    • .svn/entries public access check
    • Microsoft IIS, internal IP disclosure check
  3. Injection Attacks:

    • Error based SQL injection:

      • Cookie based
      • User-Agent based
    • CRLF injection:

      • CRLF tests on main URLs
    • Host header injection:

      • Modifying Host header
      • Adding X-Forwarded-Host additional header
  4. Clickjacking:

    • X-FRAME-OPTIONS header check
    • Frame busting checks


If you have any feature requests or came across any bugs, do add a new issue or give a pull request ;)