a28293971 / ResNet_CRNN_OCR

This repo is used to train and run OCR model which is based on original CRNN and change it's backbone to the ResNet34.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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libtorh ocr pytorch



This repo can use to train a OCR model which can recognize variable length character(depend on the width of img), and transform it's pytorch model to a jit script model, that can use libtorch to load and run it. This means it can be used in a production environment.


This project refers to other people's code, thanks to their open source behavior to promote the development of this industry.


The project has only been tested in the following environments:




  1. Prepare the train and test dataset.(the model only support the img with a height of 32 or you can modify "lib\models\resNet_crnn.py")
  2. run python gen_labels.py -imgs_dir PATH/TO/YOUR/RAIN/DATASET -test_imgs_dir PATH/TO/YOUR/TEST/DATASET, and it will generate 3 files(train.txt, val.txt and test.txt) in the dir label_ano. (the img file name must be "label.png[tif, jpg]"(e.g. 37GD28d.png). or modify the file "gen_labels.py")
  3. copy lib/config/OWN_config.yaml and rename it to your own name.
  4. modify "YOUR/OWN/CONFIG.yaml" to adapt the situation you want to train. Especially, change DATASET.ROOT to your train imgs dir, and DATASET.JSON_FILE to the file "train.txt" and "val.txt" that before generate. Fill all characters you wanna train in DATASET.ALPHABETS.
  5. run python train.py --cfg PATH/TO/YOUR/CONFIG.yaml


run python test.py --cfg PATH/TO/YOUR/CONFIG.yaml --checkpoint PATH/TO/YOUR/MODE/LFILE --device CPU[CUDA[:0,1]] --image_dir PATH/TO/YOUR/IMGS/DIR --label_path PATH/TO/YOUR/LABEL/FILE. This prog will show the accuracy of your test dataset and time used per picture.


run python demo.py --cfg PATH/TO/YOUR/CONFIG.yaml --image_path PATH/TO/YOUR/IMG --checkpoint PATH/TO/YOUR/MODEL/FILE --device CPU[CUDA[:0,1]], and will see the predict result and time used.

C++ use

This project also provides a solution to export the model, and test it.


run python exportCppModule.py --mode export --cfg PATH/TO/YOUR/CONFIG.yaml --model_path PATH/TO/YOUR/PYTORCH/MODEL/FILE --device CPU[CUDA[:0,1]] --output_path PATH/TO/EXPORT/TORCH/SCRIPT/MODEL, this cmd will export the original pytorch model to a torch script model, that it can run on C++ and Python platform. Note: Up to now, there are problems with pytorch RNN model when export to a script model. It manifests as that, the weight matrix of RNN can not be move to other device. So, if export a CPU script model and run it in GPU, it will occur an error like 'not at the same device'. Even, export a CUDA:0 model, and run on CUDA:1, it also dosen't work. Overall, if you when to use torch script model contains RNN, I recommend keeping it on the same device.


run python exportCppModule.py --mode test --cfg PATH/TO/YOUR/CONFIG.yaml --model_path PATH/TO/YOUR/TORCH/SCRIPT/MODEL/FILE --device CPU[CUDA[:0,1]] --image_path PATH/TO/YOUR/IMAGE. it will show the prediction result and time used with the model. Note: As mentioned above, keeping it on the same device.

run in C++

The demo file is in 'cppSource' folder.
Just need to change some const variable,which are top of 'main()' function, and ensure that the environment has been configured right. Compile the C++ source code, and run the file, there will be some result.