a5hik / ng-sortable

AngularJS Library for Drag and Drop, supports Sortable and Draggable. Supports Touch devices.
MIT License
1.15k stars 314 forks source link


Angular Library for Drag and Drop, supports Sortable and Draggable. No JQuery UI used. Supports Touch devices.


Latest release version 1.3.8

This Project needs a maintainer, If you would like to be please contact me - ashikes@gmail.com

Demo Page:

[Simple] (http://a5hik.github.io/ng-sortable/#/kanban)

[Advanced] (http://a5hik.github.io/ng-sortable/#/sprint)

Demo Includes:


Implementation Details:

Directives structure:

The directives are structured like below.

as-sortable                     --> Items list
  as-sortable-item              --> Item to sort/drag
    as-sortable-item-handle     --> Drag Handle

Design details:


Dragging element CSS


Following callbacks are defined, and should be overridden to perform custom logic.

 sourceItemScope - the scope of the item being dragged.
 destScope - the sortable destination scope, the list.
 destItemScope - the destination item scope, this is an optional Param.(Must check for undefined).
Object (event) - structure         
              index: original index before move.
              itemScope: original item scope before move.
              sortableScope: original sortable list scope.
         dest: index
              index: index after move.
              sortableScope: destination sortable scope.  
Some Notable Fixes:

Get the binaries of ng-sortable with any of the following ways.

bower install ng-sortable

Or for yeoman with bower automatic include:

bower install ng-sortable -save

Or bower.json

  "dependencies": [..., "ng-sortable: "latest_version eg - "1.1.0" ", ...],

Or npm

npm install ng-sortable

Make sure to load the scripts in your html.

<script type="text/javascript" src="https://github.com/a5hik/ng-sortable/raw/master/dist/ng-sortable.min.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="https://github.com/a5hik/ng-sortable/blob/master/dist/ng-sortable.min.css">

<!-- OPTIONAL: default style -->
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="https://github.com/a5hik/ng-sortable/blob/master/dist/ng-sortable.style.min.css">

And Inject the sortable module as dependency.

angular.module('xyzApp', ['as.sortable', '....']);
Html Structure:

Invoke the Directives using below html structure.

<ul data-as-sortable="board.dragControlListeners" data-ng-model="items">
   <li data-ng-repeat="item in items" data-as-sortable-item>
      <div data-as-sortable-item-handle></div>

Define your callbacks in the invoking controller.

$scope.dragControlListeners = {
    accept: function (sourceItemHandleScope, destSortableScope) {return boolean}//override to determine drag is allowed or not. default is true.
    itemMoved: function (event) {//Do what you want},
    orderChanged: function(event) {//Do what you want},
    containment: '#board'//optional param.
    clone: true //optional param for clone feature.
    allowDuplicates: false //optional param allows duplicates to be dropped.

$scope.dragControlListeners1 = {
        containment: '#board'//optional param.
        allowDuplicates: true //optional param allows duplicates to be dropped.

That's all you have to do.

Restrict Moving between Columns:

Define the accept callback. and the implementation is your choice. The itemHandleScope(dragged Item) and sortableScope(destination list) is exposed. Compare the scope Objects there like below., If you have to exactly restrict moving between columns.

accept: function (sourceItemHandleScope, destSortableScope) {
  return sourceItemHandleScope.itemScope.sortableScope.$id === destSortableScope.$id;

If you want to restrict only to certain columns say you have 5 columns and you want the drag to be allowed in only 3 columns, then you need to implement your custom logic there., and that too becomes straight forward as you have your scope Objects in hand.

And reversing the condition, allows you to Drag across Columns but not within same Column.

How To Revert Move After Validation Failure:

In case you want the item to be reverted back to its original location after a validation failure You can just do the below. In your itemMoved call back define a 'moveSuccess' and 'moveFailure' callbacks. The move failure Impl here just reverts the moved item to its original location.

itemMoved: function (eventObj) {

var moveSuccess, moveFailure;
       * Action to perform after move success.
      moveSuccess = function() {};

       * Action to perform on move failure.
       * remove the item from destination Column.
       * insert the item again in original Column.
      moveFailure = function() {   
           eventObj.source.itemScope.sortableScope.insertItem(eventObj.source.index, eventObj.source.itemScope.item);
Horizontal Sorting:

Horizontal Drag and Drop can be achieved using the same Library. The Column display can be tweaked to have horizontal items and the same can be achieved via some CSS tweaks (like making the column display style to "inline-block"). Added a sample in the demo source (refer plunker.css/js/html).

Plunkr example link: http://a5hik.github.io/ng-sortable/#/horizontal

Scroll page after reaching end of visible area.

Implement dragMove callback and follow https://github.com/a5hik/ng-sortable/issues/13#issuecomment-120388981

Enable/Disable Drag at Runtime:

The Drag can be controlled at runtime and you can enable/disable it by setting the "is-disabled" property to a boolean value of either true or false.

<div as-sortable is-disabled="is-disabled-boolean-property">..</div>
Development Environment setup:

Clone the master $ git clone https://github.com/a5hik/ng-sortable.git

or Download from Source Master

Development Dependencies (Grunt and Bower):

Install Grunt and Bower. $ sudo npm install -g grunt-cli bower

Install Project dependencies:

Run the following commands from the project root directory.

$ npm install
$ bower install
Commands to run:
$ grunt build - builds the source and generates the min files in dist.
$ grunt serve - runs a local web server on node.js
$ grunt test - runs the tests (WIP).
$ grunt test:continuous - end to end test (WIP).

To access the local server, enter the following URL into your web browser:

NG Modules Link:

If you use this module you can give it a thumbs up at http://ngmodules.org/modules/ng-sortable.

For Bug report, and feature request File an Issue here: issue.
