a8cteam51 / safety-net

Scrub options, deactivate denylisted plugins, and delete user data on development sites.
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:exclamation: This is a public repository

Safety Net

for Team51 Development Sites

Download the latest release

What's this?

This is a WordPress plugin developed by WordPress.com Special Projects (Team 51) that secures sensitive data on development, staging, and local sites. It deletes users and WooCommerce orders and subscriptions, as well as prevents sites from acting on user data (e.g. sending emails, processing renewals, etc.)


This public plugin is provided as an example of how such a plugin could be implemented, and is provided without any support or guarantees. Please use at your own discretion. Incorrect usage could result in data deletion.

Existing Features

Advanced features

Planned Features

How to use?

Download the plugin code directly from this repo.

Activating the plugin on a non-production site will:

  1. Scrub denylisted options.*
  2. Deactivate denylisted plugins.*
  3. Delete users, orders, and subscriptions.*
  4. Stop emails. You can still test and view emails by activating the WP Mail Logging plugin.
  5. Pause Renewal Actions.
  6. Discourage search engines.

*Only runs automatically if wp_get_environment_type returns staging, development, or local. If you have access to WP-CLI, you can SSH in and run wp config set WP_ENVIRONMENT_TYPE staging --type=constant

How to add plugins or options to the denylists

These denylists are txt files that live in the assets/data/ folder. Each plugin or option is on its own line.

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Plugin not running

For Safety Net to run - and to access the tools page - the environment type needs to be set as staging, development, or local. The type can be set via the WP_ENVIRONMENT_TYPE global system variable, or a constant of the same name.

One way to do that is to edit your wp-config.php file, and add define('WP_ENVIRONMENT_TYPE', 'development');

Or, if you have access to WP-CLI, you can SSH in and run wp config set WP_ENVIRONMENT_TYPE staging --type=constant

If your site is on Pressable, you can also achieve this by setting the site as a Staging Site.

Plugin won't activate

It's possible that there is another copy of the plugin active on the site. Check in the mu-plugins folder.

I don't want the functions to automatically run on my non-production site

You'll need to go into the includes/bootstrap.php file and comment out whichever of these 3 functions you don't want to run:

add_action( 'safety_net_loaded', __NAMESPACE__ . '\maybe_scrub_options' );
add_action( 'safety_net_loaded', __NAMESPACE__ . '\maybe_deactivate_plugins' );
add_action( 'safety_net_loaded', __NAMESPACE__ . '\maybe_delete_data' )