CodeSten is Project1 for Group19 of CSC510 Software Engineering.
CodeSten is the uncompromising stenography tool. It gives you speed, determinism, and freedom from depending upon memory or note-taking while having important conversations. You will save time and mental energy for more important matters and its completely free. Additionally, we can implement CodeSten for live audio as well as video in the coming stages. It also comes with a web GUI.
Below is a short video demonstrating the use and importance of CodeSten:
Document Generated:
Use the package manager ffmpeg and download the appropriate file to install the necessary package. Place the audio file in data/audiofiles folder in wav format. Mention the wav file in file.
Run the following command to start the analysis of the .wav file:
Main file:
python AnalysisCode/
Run from app folder to open the web GUI for this solution
python app/
Pydub module uses ffmpeg to work on .wav files. After installing the package, add the bin folder path to your environment variable and you should be good to go!
Right now it is working on audio files and any audio file can be given as input as long it is in .wav format. Just place the audio file in data/audiofiles and mention the name in
Please install all the necessary packages as mentioned in the requirements.txt file
Function to divide audio file into smaller chunks to be used later for analysis:
def trim_audio_file(path):
Function to check and read audio file provided:
def audioinput(file):
Function to get text transcription of the audio file. It takes in path for audio chunks and uses Google's open source package speechrecognition to give us transcript of audio and it also works for multiple languages and is pretty accurate considering it is open source and free to use:
def speech_to_text(path):
Function to detect speaker sentiment from positive, negative and neutral. It takes in text transcript and uses open source module to determine a sentiment for our conversation which gives us a general idea of type of conversation:
def sentiment_scores(text):
Function to detect speaker emotion There are mainly 5 emotions: happy, sad, fear, angry, and surprise. This function takes text transcript as input and uses open source package text2emotion to determine emotion from text which can be helpful in certain analysis:
def emotion_detection(text):
Function to get main keywords from the conversation This function takes all the keywords from text input and filters them by removing all the useless stopwords and gives us important keywords from the conversation and we can get imp points from the conversation:
def getkewords(text):
Function to get word counts from the conversation. It takes text as input and counts the number of words which can be later used to determine speech rate of speaker as low/medium/fast or for some statistical analysis:
def wordcount(text_dic):
Aadil Tajani: Github
Aastha Singh: Github
Arpit Choudhary: Github
Dhruvish Patel: Github
Kaustubh Deshpande: Github
Dhruvish Patel: Email
Aadil Tajani: Email