DBpedia-SUE is a prototype extending DBpedia Extraction Framework, which aims to address the problem of updating or curating Wiki pages via SPARQL/Update by resolving DBpedia mappings.
The main entry file InfoboxSandboxCustom.scala
is located under ./core/src/main/scala/org.dbpedia.extraction/
Its methods are used in the GUI tool, screencast available here.
Get number of occurrences for resolved alternatives of an update, computed by a sample — retrieving entities of the given type and same property name as in update.
: the update
: type (SoccerPlayer, Settlement, University, Film)
: size of the sample
scala TestStatistics.main(Array("./data/updates/dbpedia01.ru", "SoccerPlayer", "100"))
scala TestStatistics.main(Array("./data/updates/dbpedia02.ru", "Settlement", "100"))
scala TestStatistics.main(Array("./data/updates/dbpedia03.ru", "University", "100"))
scala TestStatistics.main(Array("./data/updates/dbpedia04.ru", "Film", "100"))
Get the number of fired infobox properties, given a downloaded sample of football players from Wikipedia
scala TestInfoboxCountFootballPlayersStats.main(Array(""))
Get the number of fired infobox properties, given a downloaded sample of clubs from Wikipedia
scala TestInfoboxCountClubsStats.main(Array(""))
Get the number of fired infobox properties, given a downloaded sample of cities from Wikipedia
scala TestInfoboxCountCitiesStats.main(Array(""))