aalavandhaann / chenhancc

A faster python geodesic path cutting across mesh surface
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binder blender cpython cython geodesics pybind11 python shortest-paths surface

IMPORTANT THIS IS PROBABLY A DEAD END. USE THIS to get this geodesics working. Soon this repository will be deleted to avoid duplication


A Fast geodesic algorithm in python that spans across the surface through the polygons

Many Thanks ----------- The original c++ source code was provided to me by Dr. Xin Shiqing (https://sites.google.com/site/xinshiqing/). My sincere thanks to him for his help The algorithm is purely based on the paper of Shiqing who provided me with this wonderful c++ code as well. All I had to do was make some changes so it can be compiled as a python library. The timing or efficiency difference between the pure python implementation and c++ -> python conversion is atleast 210x times. ``` Xin SQ, Wang GJ. Improving Chen and Han's algorithm on the discrete geodesic problem. ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG). 2009 Aug 1;28(4):104. ``` Installation ------------ **Python Package Manager (PIP)** ```pip install chenhancc --user``` **Easy Install** ```easy_install --prefix $HOME/.local``` This is for ubuntu **Prerequesties** - This code is compiled using the magic binders for pybind11 created by binder. *[Github link for binder](https://github.com/RosettaCommons/binder). *[Github link for pybind11](https://github.com/pybind/pybind11). **On any OS (Linux, OS X, MAC, Windows)** - clone this repository - Ensure to set the variables inside `compile_binder.py` - run `python3 compile_binder.py` - arguments and their purpose - `-g`: Generate bindings - `-b`: After generating the bindings compiled it to a python `.so` library - `-t`: Test a short snippet of code to ensure if the library works - To install the python library copy the generated chenhann.so (inside autobinding_build) to any locations as: - site-packages of blender - Or use it with any of your personal python projects ISSUES ------ - Unix systems - Using pip install ```pip install chenhancc``` it would fail saying the command gcc failed with the compilation because of blah blah reason. I got it to work by exporting ```export CC=x86_64-linux-gnu-g++``` - Next if you notice it still fails after setting the above step ensure you have gcc version 4.9 atleast. Looks like gcc 4.8 is annoyed with std=c++14 flag in the compiler options. These two steps should figure you out. - Windows and Macintosh systems - I am finding it difficult to get my hands on a windows machine. Will soon test it and update all of you with what is necessary. If someone is kind enough to lend me a hand then please. License ------- I haven't thought about it yet. The world is so strange that even free stuffs come at a cost. Did you notice that even for free licenses there are many variants to it? Anyways feel free to do things you want to after cloning the repository. Demos --------- If you want to perform demos as shown in the screenshots above. Then after installing the sharedobject for chenhancc you should be also install another Blender plugin to see live paths on meshes. The link to the repository is [here](https://github.com/aalavandhaann/ch_bl_geodesics). Once you have installed the plugin then start clicking on the meshes and see paths between consecutive clicks. Demos - Blender ------------------- You will find blender folder inside the demo folder. There is a blend file that can test a mesh loaded in the scene. Just ensure to load a mesh, select it with mouse and run the script `(Alt-p)`. You should see a path between the selected vertices as supplied in the code in the text editor of Blender. In the below code change the `svid` and `evid` to change the vertex selection. `svid` is the seed vertex index, and `evid` is the target vertex index to which a path should be found. ``` #Replace the below Blender api imports with the framework of your choice. #The idea is to supply points, and face information for mesh representation #inside the geodesics algorithm #----------Blender based api modules import---------------- import bpy, bmesh; from mathutils import Vector; #----------End of Blender based api modules import---------------- from chenhancc import CBaseModel as BaseModel, CRichModel as RichModel, CPoint3D as Point3D, CFace as Face, CICHWithFurtherPriorityQueue as ICHWithFurtherPriorityQueue; c = bpy.context; m = c.active_object; svid = 0; evid = 20000; def rotate(l, n): return l[n:] + l[:n]; def createPathMesh(points): myvertexlist = [[2,2,2],[4,4,4],[6,6,6],[8,8,8]] obName = "path_"+str(len(points)); me = bpy.data.meshes.new(obName); ob = bpy.data.objects.new(obName, me); # Get a BMesh representation bm = bmesh.new(); # create an empty BMesh bm.from_mesh(me); # fill it in from a Mesh # Modify the BMesh, can do anything here... for index, co in enumerate(points): v = bm.verts.new(co); v.index = index; bm.verts.ensure_lookup_table(); for index, co in enumerate(points[1:]): v1 = bm.verts[index-1]; v2 = bm.verts[index]; e = bm.edges.new((v1, v2)); # also add bm.edges and bm.faces # Finish up, write the bmesh back to the mesh bm.to_mesh(me); bm.free(); # free and prevent further access scn = bpy.context.scene; scn.objects.link(ob); scn.objects.active = ob; ob.select = True; if(m): verts = []; faces = []; loops = m.data.loops; bmodel = RichModel(); m.data.vertices[svid].select = True; m.data.vertices[evid].select = True; for v in m.data.vertices: p3d = Point3D(v.co.x, v.co.y, v.co.z); verts.append(p3d); for f in m.data.polygons: f_vids = [loops[lid].vertex_index for lid in f.loop_indices]; faces.append(Face(f_vids[0], f_vids[1], f_vids[2])); bmodel.LoadModel(verts, faces); bmodel.Preprocess(); emethod = ICHWithFurtherPriorityQueue(bmodel, set([svid])); emethod.Execute(); paths = emethod.FindSourceVertex(evid,[]); paths = rotate(paths, 1); path_verts = []; for epoint in paths: pt = epoint.Get3DPoint(bmodel); path_verts.append(Vector((pt.x, pt.y, pt.z))); createPathMesh(path_verts); print('DONE FOUND THE PATHS::: '); ```