aangelisc / agnostic-sql-migrator

Database agnostic migrator tool for SQL databases
MIT License
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Agnostic SQL Migrator

A useful tool to carry out database migrations on Postgres, MySQL, or SQL Server databases. The tool was written in TypeScript and comes bundled with it's own types.


This tool requires the SQL DB configuration information to be provided. This can be provided either via the environment, programmatically, or as command line arguments (if running locally).

Argument precedence is as follows:

A programmatic configuration variable takes highest precedence.

This is then followed by a command line configuration variable.

Then finally an environment variable.

Possible command line arguments/environment variables are:

There is also the optional VERSION argument which can be provided to specify which DB version to migrate to. If this remains unspecified then the migrator will migrate to the highest possible version of the database it can find.

A restriction that is placed on the migration files is that they must be named as follows: [version from]-[version to].sql with the lowest possible version being 1. The versions can skip e.g. 1-4.sql. This also applies to rollback versions e.g. 4-1.sql.


Install the tool via npm using:

npm install agnostic-sql-migrator

or if you're using yarn:

yarn add agnostic-sql-migrator

You will also need to install the relevant DB package:

MySQL: npm install mysql2 or yarn add mysql2

Postgres: npm install pg or yarn add pg

SQL Server: npm install mssql or yarn add mssql


Import and use the entrypoint using the following:

If your configuration variables are already defined in your environment

import {migrator} from 'agnostic-sql-migrator';

const migrateDb = async () => {
    await migrator();

Otherwise you can call:

import {migrator, ClientConfig, MigrationConfig} fromm 'agnostic-sql-migrator';
import {resolve} from 'path';

const migrationsPath = resolve(PATH_TO_MIGRATIONS);

const clientConfig: ClientConfig = {
  user: "postgres",
  password: "password",
  host: "localhost",
  port: 5432,
  database: "testdb"

const migrationConfig: MigrationConfig = {
  adapter: "postgres",
  version: 10

const migrate = async () => {
    await migrator({ClientConfig: clientConfig, MigrationConfig: migrationConfig});

To call from command line you can use the following command:

node_modules/.bin/agnostic-sql-migrator --VERSION=YOUR_VERSION for example.

You can specify as many of the arguments described above as you like, but all the required arguments have to be specified either here in the command line, or as part of your environment variables, otherwise the command will fail.