aappleby / hancho

A simple pleasant build system in Python.
MIT License
350 stars 9 forks source link
build-tool python python3

Logo Hancho

"班長, hanchō - "Squad leader”, from 19th c. Mandarin 班長 (bānzhǎng, “team leader”)"

Hancho is a simple, pleasant build system with few moving parts.

Hancho fits comfortably in a single Python file and requires no installation, just copy-paste it into your source tree.

Hancho is inspired by Ninja (for speed and simplicity) and Bazel (for syntax and extensibility).

Like Ninja, it knows nothing about your build tools and is only trying to assemble and run commands as fast as possible.

Unlike Ninja, you can use glob("*.cpp") and such to make things far less verbose.

Like Bazel, you invoke build rules by calling them as if they were functions with keyword arguments.

Unlike Bazel, you can create build rules that call arbitary Python code (for better or worse).

Hancho should suffice for small to medium sized projects.

Tutorial Here

Some Additional Documentation Here



user@host:~$ wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/aappleby/hancho/main/hancho.py
user@host:~$ chmod +x hancho.py
user@host:~$ ./hancho.py --help
usage: hancho.py [-h] [-C CHDIR] [-j JOBS] [-v] [-q] [-n] [-d] [-f] [filename]

positional arguments:
  filename              The name of the .hancho file to build

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -C CHDIR, --chdir CHDIR
                        Change directory first
  -j JOBS, --jobs JOBS  Run N jobs in parallel (default = cpu_count)
  -v, --verbose         Print verbose build info
  -q, --quiet           Mute all output
  -n, --dryrun          Do not run commands
  -d, --debug           Print debugging information
  -f, --force           Force rebuild of everything

Simple Example

# examples/hello_world/build.hancho
from hancho import *

compile = Rule(
  desc      = "Compile {files_in} -> {files_out}",
  command   = "g++ -MMD -c {files_in} -o {files_out}",
  files_out = "{swap_ext(files_in, '.o')}",
  depfile   = "{swap_ext(files_out, '.d')}",

link = Rule(
  desc      = "Link {files_in} -> {files_out}",
  command   = "g++ {files_in} -o {files_out}",

main_o = compile("main.cpp")
main_app = link(main_o, "app")
// examples/hello_world/main.cpp
#include <stdio.h>

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
  printf("Hello World\n");
  return 0;
user@host:~/hancho/examples/hello_world$ ../../hancho.py --verbose
[1/2] Compile main.cpp -> build/main.o
Reason: Rebuilding ['build/main.o'] because some are missing
g++ -MMD -c main.cpp -o build/main.o
[2/2] Link build/main.o -> build/app
Reason: Rebuilding ['build/app'] because some are missing
g++ build/main.o -o build/app

user@host:~/hancho/examples/hello_world$ build/app
Hello World

user@host:~/hancho/examples/hello_world$ ../../hancho.py --verbose

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