aarhusstadsarkiv / reference-files

Package of json-files used across multiple repositories and services
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reference files

Generic json-files used by more than one repository.

DO NOT edit the json-files directly in the browser. Syntax errors are bound to occur.


This file lists all Pronom-identification formats that we regard as misplaced. Usually due to matching on extension only. All files identified as one of these formats, are to reidentified against our own identifiers in custom_signatures.json.


This file lists all our own custom-identifiers. These are additions or corrections to the identifiers in the Pronom Registry.


This file lists all Pronom- and custom-identified file formats that unarchivercan extract.


This file lists all Pronom- and custom-identified file formats that we currently ignore. Usually due to the format not being worthy of preservation.


This file lists all Pronom-identified file formats that we can and wish to convert to an archival master format. Each entry has the following structure:

"{format_id}": {
    "name": "{signature or the format}",
    "master_converter": "{name of converter to use}",
    "master_format": [
        "{list of master formats to generate}"
    "statutory_converter": "{name of statutory converter to use}",
    "statutory_format": [
        "{list of statutory formats to generate}"

For example:

"fmt/1451": {
    "name": "PDF Portfolio 1.7",
    "master_converter": "pdf",
    "master_format": [
    "statutory_converter": "gs",
    "statutory_format": [
