aarizaq / Denacast

Oversim adaptation for inetmanet-2.0
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OverSim - A Flexible Overlay Network Simulation Framework

OverSim is an open-source overlay network simulation framework for the OMNeT++/OMNEST simulation environment. The simulator contains several models for structured (e.g. Chord) and unstructured (e.g. GIA) peer-to-peer protocols. OverSim is developed at the Karlsruhe Institut of Technology (KIT), Institute of Telematics.

Please look into the doc/ subdirectory where you'll find installation instructions, the license and the API documentation.

If you need help, please visit the project website: http://www.oversim.org/

Disclaimer: OverSim is continuously being improved: new parts are added, bugs are corrected, and so on. We cannot assert that any protocol implemented here will work fully according to the specifications. YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE YOURSELF TO MAKE SURE THAT THE MODELS YOU USE IN YOUR SIMULATIONS WORK CORRECTLY, AND YOU'RE GETTING VALID RESULTS.

The OverSim team

INETMANET-2.0 version, Notes The directory of Oversim must be in the same directory that the inetmanet directory.

-inetmanet-2.0 * -OverSim

The Inetmanet version uses Uint128 for store the Keys, this avoid the use of gmp library, but limits the key size to 128 bits If you need bigger keys you can use the gmp library if you include "#define USEGMP" in the file OverlayKey.h

The files simulations/nodes_3d.xml, simulations/nodes_2d.xml and simulations/nodes_2d_15000.xml have been removed due to the size of the files, you must donwload the files from the OverSim site. The doc directory has been removed, if you need the information containing in this directory you must donwload from the OverSim site.