aaron555 / fail2ban-analyse

Performs analysis of Fail2ban logs and outputs data in CSV, PNG and text formats plus a map overlay of IPs
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Performs analysis of Fail2ban logs and outputs data in CSV, PNG and text formats plus a map overlay of IPs


These scripts analyse Fail2ban logfiles to show the how the rate of attacks varies over time, which IPs and IP ranges are attempting access and from which countries these IPs originate. The locations are plotted on a map overlay showing location, IP and number of attacks. Raw data and charts provide deeper analysis.

How to use

Ensure curl is installed, and Python3 with matplotlib and geojson modules. The simplest way to get started is to run the wrapper script straight from the root of the repo (assuming you have logs in default /var/log/) ./fail2ban_analyse_wrapper.sh This will run full analysis on all available logs in /var/log, and store full results in outputs and generated web content in web

To change any of the input or output directories, edit _config/fail2bananalyse.conf

After running, the contents of web can be moved to your webserver directory (the map overlays only work in-browser, although a server is not necessarily needed and all other images are output as static PNGs). Note attacker-map.html requires editing to add your mapbox API key, whereas attacker-map-openstreetmap.html works straight out of the box.

The wrapper shell script calls the two main Python scripts:

Example outputs

Example map overlay Example satellite view Example Attack timeline




Outputs are provided in PNG (charts), CSV and TXT formats, as well as GeoJSON for the map overlay. Results are grouped into three categories (i) considering each unauthorised access attempt separately, (ii) grouping by attacks from the same IP address and (iii) grouping by a /24 subnet (although of course this does not imply the IP belongs to a /24 subnet). This is useful for profiling attackers, because it will be seen that some countries tend to produce a small number of attacks from several unique IPs, whereas others have a much larger number of attacks but many originate from the same IP or blocks of IPs. Of course this is also affected by the Fail2ban configuration.

In web directory (web/ or value of OUTPUT_DIR_WEB set in the config file):

attacks-geojson.js - GeoJSON file containing IP, country, number of attacks for creating leaflet map overlay
unauth-country.png - bar chart of attack origin by country, expressed as percentage
unauth.png - bar chart showing number of attacks per day, and summary of worst offending IPs and /24 subnets. Top 3 usernames failing if available

(note attacker-map.html and/or attacker-map-openstreetmap.html will also be required in the web server directory in order to view map overlays)

In full output directory (outputs/ or value of OUTPUT_DIR_HISTORICAL set in the config file):

yyyymmdd_fail2ban_all_raw_logs.txt - all raw input logs, un-rotated, uncompressed and appended in timestamp order
yyyymmdd_fail2ban_attack_by_country_all_IPs.csv - list of countries with absolute number of attacks and percentage (raw data for chart below)
yyyymmdd_fail2ban_attack_by_country_unique_IPs.csv - list of countries with absolute number of unique IPs and percentage (raw data for chart below)
yyyymmdd_fail2ban_attack_by_country_unique_subnet.csv - list of countries with absolute number of unique IP subnet (assuming /24) and percentage (raw data for chart below)
yyyymmdd_fail2ban_attack_IPs_all.csv - list of all attacks showing timestamp, IP, country, approximate coordinates
yyyymmdd_fail2ban_attack_IPs_unique.csv - list of all attacks showing IP, number of attacks, country, approximate coordinates
yyyymmdd_fail2ban_attack_IPs_unique_subnet.csv - list of all attacks showing IP subnet (grouping into /24), number of attacks, country, approximate coordinates
yyyymmdd_fail2ban_attacks_per_day_bar.png - bar chart showing number of attacks per day, and summary of worst offending IPs and /24 subnets. Top 3 usernames failing if available (same as unauth.png)
yyyymmdd_fail2ban_country_hist_all.png - bar chart of attack origin by country, expressed as percentage (same as unauth-country.png)
yyyymmdd_fail2ban_country_hist_unique_IP.png - bar chart of IP address origin by country, expressed as percentage
yyyymmdd_fail2ban_country_hist_unique_subnet.png - bar chart of IP subnet (grouping into /24) origin by country, expressed as percentage
yyyymmdd_fail2ban_log_analysis_summary.txt text summary of key results
yyyymmdd_fail2ban_raw_attacker_info.txt - raw JSON results of ipinfo.io lookup - this may also be used as an input to avoid re-running lookup
usernames.txt - (if valid uncompressed auth*/secure* logs found in input log directory, SSH only) a list of invalid usernames used in failed SSH access attempts.

(note country / coordinate info will not be available if nolookup option is used to prevent ipinfo.io lookups) (note usernames analysis is based purely on number of occurences of username in log with string "invalid user", and will not match up to number of occurences in fail2ban logs)



These scripts are intended to be run automatically, periodically, e.g. by cron. It is recommended that the config file is moved to /etc and this config file updated to point to the required input and output directories, and script directory when "installed" rather than run from repo directly. The outputs to the web server directory always have the same filename, so they can easily be accessed and linked to but only contain latest data, whereas the full output directory stores datestamped files for later reference.

For example adding to cron 10 6 * * 0 /usr/local/bin/fail2ban_analyse_wrapper.sh >>/var/log/f2b-analysis.log will run every Sunday morning just before logs are typically rotated on many Linux systems, and store the output in a logfile.
