aaronNgu / CourseHub

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# CourseHub

Project Description

CourseHub is a centralized platform for students to view their peers' feedback on UBC courses. Students also have the ability to log in and provide their own ratings and reviews for courses based on their own experiences.

Group Members:

Project Goal

We are looking to build a website where students are able to view and/or provide reviews for UBC courses. The application will store Course related data such as Course Number, Course Name, Relevant Link and its corresponding reviews. Reviews include comments regarding course content, difficulty as well as work load. Users will be able to view the data on a specific Course. They would also be able to filter and/or search for specific courses. We are also hoping to add several other features such as a button for users to report issues and adding historical data(averages, max, min) for each course.

Project Task Requirements:

Minimal Requirements:

Standard Requirements:

Stretch Requirements:

Required Tech Stack:

Special Features:

Next Steps:

Our next steps are to add User Profile pages to CourseHub, enabling users to edit their profile to provide their education statuses and keep track of their comment histories. This way, users can also edit and view their comments on the site. We would also like to add additional features such as giving users the ability to up and down vote reviews, and being able to display a summary for each course of frequently-mentioned words in user reviews. In addition, we would also like to include more information about courses, such as the years during which they were run, professor information, and past grade distribution to name a few, so that CourseHub can evolve to become even more helpful to students.

Team Contributions:





Additional Tools

We've also developed a Python tool to scrap and upload course information. Link to repository for the tool here

Relevant Links:
