aaronallen8455 / erriscope

Scope out Haskell errors in style
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What is it?

This is a lightweight GHC plugin that provides an ergonomic web UI for viewing the errors and warnings emitted during compilation. It seeks to improve the developer experience for a REPL based workflow.

Advantages over viewing errors in the terminal include:



User's Guide

You can use the Shift+UpArrow and Shift+DownArrow hotkeys to quickly cycle through errors.

You can change the port on which the server and plugin run using command line arguments. For example, if you want to run the server on port 8000, start the server as follows:

> erriscope-server 8000

and add the additon GHC plugin option:

> cabal repl -b erriscope --repl-options="-fplugin Erriscope -fplugin-opts Erriscope:8000"
