aaronbjohnson / movie-trailer-website

Movie Trailer Website uses server-side code to store a list of favorite movies. Youtube and OMDB APIs deliver current information about each movie entered into the movie list array.
MIT License
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Movie Trailer Website

Movie Trailer Website uses server-side code to store a list of favorite movies. Youtube and OMDB APIs deliver current information about each movie entered into the movie list array. This program will generate a static web page allowing visitors to browse the movies, watch trailers, and get more information about the movies.


Make sure you have Python 2.7.10 installed.

Fork this repo or download the zip folder for the repository.

Running the program

In the entertainment_center.py file you will need to replace the youtube_suffix with your YouTube API key or create a config.py file to store the the API key.

Follow the instructions on the YouTube Data API website to create your API key:


Once you have your API key in the youtube_suffix, open the repository and run entertainment_center.py:

python entertainment_center.py

Updating Movie List

In order to customize the movie list, simply open entertainment_center.py and add the title of the movie to the 'movie_list' array.

Bug reports

If you discover any bugs, feel free to create an issue on GitHub. I also encourage you to help even more by forking and sending me a pull request.




MIT License