aaronger / utility-eval-papers

Pipelines and drafts related to arXiv:2312.16201
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Allocation scoring rules for forecast evaluation

A place to collect work on forecast evaluation via allocation scoring rules and social utility in general.

Analysis set-up

The analysis here uses a pipeline-based workflow implemented with the targets package for R.

  1. The analysis has been confirmed to work with R v4.2.3.
  2. The analysis requires the following installations (specific version requirements not enforced at the moment, but perhaps at a future time will be saved using renv):

Running Analysis

From an R console at the project root,

  1. source(_targets.R)
  2. tar_make() (this could take a while, e.g., ~20 minutes on an M2 Mac)

The objects required to knit ./alloscore_manuscript/manuscript.Rnw should now reside in _targets/objects (which is gitignored).