aaronpowell / FSharp.CosmosDb

An F# wrapper around Cosmos DB's .NET SDK to make it more friendly for F# developers
MIT License
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FSharp.CosmosDb 🌍

Latest Build Latest Release NuGet Badge - FSharp.CosmosDb The MIT License

This project is a wrapper around the Cosmos DB v4 .NET SDK to make it a bit more friendly to the F# language.


Install via NuGet:

dotnet add package FSharp.CosmosDb

Or using Paket:

dotnet paket add FSharp.CosmosDb


All operations will return an AsyncSeq via FSharp.Control.AsyncSeq that contains the data fetched, data inserted or data updated.


open FSharp.CosmosDb

let connStr = "..."

let insertUsers data =
    |> Cosmos.fromConnectionString
    |> Cosmos.database "UserDb"
    |> Cosmos.container "UserContainer"
    |> Cosmos.insertMany<User> data
    |> Cosmos.execAsync


open FSharp.CosmosDb

let connStr = "..."

let insertUsers data =
    |> Cosmos.fromConnectionString
    |> Cosmos.database "UserDb"
    |> Cosmos.container "UserContainer"
    |> Cosmos.upsertMany<User> data
    |> Cosmos.execAsync


open FSharp.CosmosDb

let connStr = "..."

let updateUser id partitionKey =
    |> Cosmos.fromConnectionString
    |> Cosmos.database "UserDb"
    |> Cosmos.container "UserContainer"
    |> Cosmos.update<User> id partitionKey (fun user -> { user with IsRegistered = true })
    |> Cosmos.execAsync


open FSharp.CosmosDb

let host = "https://..."
let key = "..."
let findUsers() =
    |> Cosmos.host
    |> Cosmos.connect key
    |> Cosmos.database "UserDb"
    |> Cosmos.container "UserContainer"
    |> Cosmos.query "SELECT u.FirstName, u.LastName FROM u WHERE u.LastName = @name"
    |> Cosmos.parameters [ "@name", box "Powell" ]
    |> Cosmos.execAsync<User>
let main argv =
    async {
        let users = findUsers()
        do! users
        |> AsyncSeq.iter (fun u -> printfn "%s %s" u.FirstName u.LastName)

        return 0
    } |> Async.RunSynchronously


open FSharp.CosmosDb

let connStr = "..."

let updateUser id partitionKey =
    |> Cosmos.fromConnectionString
    |> Cosmos.database "UserDb"
    |> Cosmos.container "UserContainer"
    |> Cosmos.deleteItem id partitionKey
    |> Cosmos.execAsync


open FSharp.CosmosDb

let connStr = "..."

|> Cosmos.container "ContainerName"
|> Cosmos.deleteContainer
|> Cosmos.execAsync
|> Async.Ignore

FSharp.CosmosDb.Analyzer 💡

NuGet Badge - FSharp.CosmosDb

Also part of this repo is a F# Analyzer for use from the CLI or in Ionide.

Analyzer in action


Analyzer Usage

1. Provide connection information

Connection information can be provided as either environment variables or using an appsettings.json/appsettings.Development.json file.

Environment Variables

The analyzer will look for the following environment variables:

The FSHARP_COSMOS_CONNSTR will take precedence if both sets of environment variables are provided

App Settings

The analyzer will look for a file matching appsettings.json or appsettings.Development.json in either the workspace root of the VS Code instance or relative to the file being parsed. The file is expected to have the following JSON structure in it:

  "CosmosConnection": {
    "ConnectionString": "",
    "Host": "",
    "Key": ""

If CosmosConnection.ConnectionString exists, it will be used, otherwise it will use the CosmosConnection.Host and CosmosConnection.Key to connect.

2. Install the Analyzer from paket

paket add FSharp.CosmosDb.Analyzer --group Analyzers

3. Enable Analyzers in Ionide

Add the following settings (globally or in the workspace):

  "FSharp.enableAnalyzers": true,
  "FSharp.analyzersPath": ["./packages/analyzers"]



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