aaronrai24 / DollarDiscordBot

All-in-one discord bot that plays music, moderates, and gets video game stats
MIT License
1 stars 0 forks source link
discord discord-bot discordpy python3


Introducing Dollar Bot: Your all-in-one Discord companion! Powered by Lavalink, Dollar not only lets you play music from popular websites, but goes above and beyond. Dollar acts as a versatile moderator, creating personal voice channels and enforcing proper command usage.

With Dollar, you'll enjoy a seamless music experience. It intelligently responds to commands entered in the designated text channel and plays music exclusively when users are in the same voice channel. No more juggling multiple music platforms!

But that's not all! Dollar harnesses various APIs to elevate your experience. Dive into your lifetime stats for beloved video games, thanks to TrackerGG integration. Dollar keeps you connected, letting you and your friends listen to the same music simultaneously.

Stay tuned for weekly updates and exciting new features as Dollar continually evolves. Add Dollar and unleash the true potential of your Discord server!

To add Dollar to your Discord:

Click the following link to add to your Discord!

Requirements to be able to use Dollar in your discord:

  1. You must have a text channel that starts with commands. It is recommended to use commands as the channel name, but having emojis after the commands string is also acceptable.

To use auto channel creation feature:

  1. You must have a voice channel titled JOIN HERE💎. When users join this voice channel, Dollar recognizes them and automatically creates a channel for each user, moving them to their respective channels. Once a created channel becomes empty, Dollar removes it.

Issues/Feature Requests

We are also tracking numerous bugs and feature requests on our public issues board. We'd appreciate any bugs/features requests be submitted by using Dollar's /featurerequest and /reportBug commands.

For Developers

Install Dependencies

To install the required dependencies, run the following command: pip install -r rquirements.txt

or use the setup.bat to run this code automatically

Install Lavalink

Install MySQL database

API Auth Keys


We have begun to develop a standard for logging. For debugging purposes do not rely on the console output, and turn to the discord.log instead. Summary of loggers: