aaronucsd / simple-todo-app

A simple todo app for codepath bootcamp
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Android Pre-work: Todo App Demo

Version 1.0 (Sample of project submission README)

This is an Android demo application for displaying the Todo List. Currently the app can add, delete and edit todo items from the list.

Time spent: 7 hours spent in total

Quick manual notes of app usage: 1) Enter item in the input field (Enter a new item) and click 'Add Item' button To add item to list. 2) Click and hold on any item form the list to remove it from the list. 3) Click on an item to go to edit screen and once edited, click 'Save' button to save it back to the list.


Animated gif walkthrough of this demo todo list app:

Video Walkthrough

Updated Version 1.1 Date Feb 1, 2014 Added: Use a DialogFragment instead of new Activity for editing items

Time spent: 2.5 hours spent in total

Quick manual notes of app usage: 1) Enter item in the input field (Enter a new item) and click 'Add Item' button To add item to list. 2) Click and hold on any item form the list to remove it from the list. 3) Click on an item to go to dialog screen and once edited, click 'done' button on the soft keyboard (virtual) to save it back to the list.


Animated gif walkthrough of this demo todo list app:

Video Walkthrough

GIF created with LiceCap.