aaronwolen / pbs-acf

Snakemake profile for ACF@ORNL
MIT License
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ACF Snakemake Profile

This repo contains a Snakemake profile for executing workflows on the Advanced Computing Facility (ACF) HPC, hosted by Oak Ridge National Laboratory. The profile is an amalgmation of the original pbs-torque profile and @warrenmcg's moab fork to accomodate the ACF, which uses both Torque and Moab (for job scheduling).

NOTE: This is very much a work in progress as I work out the optimal approach for using conda environments and Snakemake on the ACF, so YMMV. That said, please let me know if you have any suggestions for improving it.


A few notes about changes I've made.



Template variables


In order to use conda with this profile you need to activate the module and initialize it by adding the following to .bashrc:

module load python3/conda3-4.4.0
. /sw/acf/anaconda3/4.4.0/centos7.3_gnu6.3.0/   anaconda3-4.4.0/etc/profile.d/conda.sh

Deploy profile

To deploy this profile change to the project directory containing your Snakefile and run:

cookiecutter gh:aaronwolen/pbs-acf

Then, you can run Snakemake with

snakemake --profile pbs-acf ...


The following resources are supported on a per-rule basis:

Note: The threads directive maps to the "ppn" resource request.