aarron-lee / SimpleDeckyTDP

(Formerly Simple) TDP plugin for alternative AMD PC handhelds
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Polling should be able to be force disabled #14

Closed th3raid0r closed 6 months ago

th3raid0r commented 6 months ago

Ever since the recent BIOS and running in STAMP mode I've not experienced my device switching TDPs unintentionally.

Thus, the latest fix actually breaks a "feature" of the program that I've come to depend on - the ability to quick toggle my TDP with Legion+Y.

If, instead, it only performed a "set" operation when the "custom" profile is currently active - THAT makes sense and I'd appreciate that. But as it stands it will change it back to custom - thereby requiring TDP be set from the QAM/SimpleDeckyTDP menu.

If this feature must persist, could you at least allow me to disable it? Force enabling this seemed a fair bit heavy-handed to me for an issue that I had never once experienced.

Also - if we are unable to toggle polling now, could you at least remove the UI toggle so that such fact is better communicated?

aarron-lee commented 6 months ago

Ever since the recent BIOS and running in STAMP mode I've not experienced my device switching TDPs unintentionally.

there are users who have reported the switching of TDPs on STAMP mode, which is why I enabled it. But fair point, I'll think about how to better resolve this.

aarron-lee commented 6 months ago

fixed in https://github.com/aarron-lee/SimpleDeckyTDP/releases/tag/v0.0.5.8

the UI now has a force disable toggle

Just as a heads up though, in STAMP mode + custom TDP mode, there have been reports of the TDP value getting changed by the bios. It's just much less frequent