aarron-lee / SimpleDeckyTDP

(Formerly Simple) TDP plugin for alternative AMD PC handhelds
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This is a (formerly simple) Linux TDP Decky Plugin that wraps ryzenadj. Intended for devices compatible with ryzenadj.

plugin image



Tested on ChimeraOS Stable (45), NobaraOS 39 Deck Edition, and Bazzite.

Other distros not tested.

Currently NOT compatible with Intel or Nvidia, this plugin is currently AMD APUs only


WARNING: This plugin assumes you already have ryzenadj installed and can be located in your PATH

Note that ryzenadj is NOT necessary if you plan on using a ryzenadj override.

ChimeraOS, Bazzite Deck Edition, and NobaraOS Deck edition, should already have ryzenadj pre-installed.

To check this, you can run which ryzenadj in a terminal/console, which should print out a path to a ryzenadj binary.


$ which ryzenadj

If you do not have ryzenadj installed, you will need to get a working copy installed onto your machine.

See here for more info on ryzenadj



Decky Loader must already be installed. If using ryzenadj for TDP control, secure boot must be disabled.

Quick Install / Update

Run the following in terminal, then reboot. Note that this works both for installing or updating the plugin


curl -L https://github.com/aarron-lee/SimpleDeckyTDP/raw/main/install.sh | sh

BazziteOS installer

First install Decky Loader with this command in terminal:

ujust setup-decky

Then install SimpleDeckyTDP with:

ujust setup-decky simpledeckytdp

Manual Install

Download the latest release from the releases page

Unzip the tar.gz file, and move the SimpleDeckyTDP folder to your $HOME/homebrew/plugins directory

then run:

sudo systemctl restart plugin_loader.service

then reboot your machine.

Manual build


git clone https://github.com/aarron-lee/SimpleDeckyTDP.git

cd SimpleDeckyTDP

# if pnpm not already installed
npm install -g pnpm

pnpm install
pnpm update decky-frontend-lib --latest
pnpm run build

Afterwards, you can place the entire SimpleDeckyTDP folder in the ~/homebrew/plugins directly, then restart your plugin service

sudo systemctl restart plugin_loader.service

sudo systemctl reboot

Uninstall Instructions

In Desktop mode, run the following in terminal:

sudo rm -rf $HOME/homebrew/plugins/SimpleDeckyTDP
sudo systemctl restart plugin_loader.service

Advanced configuration

Desktop App

SimpleDeckyTDP-Desktop App - Experimental Electron frontend for the SimpleDeckyTDP Plugin's backend

The Desktop App also should not be used simultaneously with the SimpleDeckyTDP decky plugin, you should only use one or the other at any given time.

This is because 2-way communication between the plugin and Desktop app is currently not possible.

Custom TDP method

If you'd prefer to use something other than ryzenadj for to set TDP, you can opt to override ryzenadj with an alternative.

In the $HOME/homebrew/settings/SimpleDeckyTDP/settings.json, add an overrideRyzenadj value. Whatever value you set will be used as a command, with the tdp provided as a single additional arg


# settings.json
    "overrideRyzenadj": "/path/to/script.sh",

# called later at app runtime, 15 = tdp value
/path/to/script.sh 15

You can see how it's used in the code here

Custom Device settings

See device settings README

Are there CPU boost controls?

CPU Boost controls require a scaling-driver that supports CPU boost. Many distros, by default, use amd-pstate-epp as the scaling driver. This scaling driver does NOT support CPU boost controls.

NOTE: CPU Boost controls are only recommended for the ROG Ally. For other PC handhelds, it shouldn't make much of a difference. Turning off CPU Boost is particularly useful on the ROG Ally because it has a reported excess power consumption issue.

If you need CPU boost controls, you should investigate changing your default scaling driver to amd-pstate = passive or acpi-cpufreq.

For to change the scaling driver for to enable CPU boost controls on BazziteOS, run the following in terminal + reboot:

rpm-ostree kargs --append-if-missing=amd_pstate=passive

If you wish to reverse the changes, run the following:

rpm-ostree kargs --delete-if-present=amd_pstate=passive


The "Fix Steam Hardware Controls" option is missing

This is not a bug, Valve updated the Steam client and removed the TDP Slider on non-deck handhelds. Thus, the "Fix Steam Hardware Controls" option is no longer possible.

TDP Control is not working

First try updating the plugin to the latest version.

# update script
curl -L https://github.com/aarron-lee/SimpleDeckyTDP/raw/main/install.sh | sh

If this doesn't fix your issue, next try deleting your $HOME/homebrew/settings/SimpleDeckyTDP/settings.json file, and rebooting.

If neither works, please create a github issue.

Buggy behavior after upgrading the plugin to a new version

If you see buggy behavior after upgrading to a new version of the plugin, it might be due to some bad values in an older settings file.

Try deleting the $HOME/homebrew/settings/SimpleDeckyTDP/settings.json file.

Note that this will delete any of your saved TDP profiles, so you could optionally copy it somewhere else to keep it as a backup instead.

My eGPU is being affected by TDP settings

The Steam GPU slider reportedly affects eGPUs, if you are using an eGPU you should disable Steam's GPU toggle.

ROG Ally Troubleshooting

The ROG ally has some known issues related to CPU Boost and SMT.

Ryzenadj troubleshooting

To test your ryzenadj, try the following:

$ sudo ryzenadj -a 14000 -b 14000 -c 14000

the command above sets 14W TDP. You should see the following if sucessful:

Sucessfully set stapm_limit to 14000
Sucessfully set fast_limit to 14000
Sucessfully set slow_limit to 14000

If you don't see the success messages, your ryzenadj is most likely not working or configured for your device.

You can also test by running the following:

$ sudo ryzenadj -i

This should print out a table that looks something like the following:

CPU Family: Rembrandt
SMU BIOS Interface Version: 18
Version: v0.13.0
PM Table Version: 450005
|        Name         |   Value   |     Parameter      |
| STAPM LIMIT         |     8.000 | stapm-limit        |
| STAPM VALUE         |     0.062 |                    |

If you see an error, you may need to set iomem=relaxed as a boot parameter for your kernel, or disable secure boot.


Thanks to the following for making this plugin possible: