A plugin for the Elite Dangerous Market Connector, specifically written for the Hutton Orbital Truckers.
This helps us keep track and credit all you commanders for the work you do for us and all of the great things you do to help us.
All the stats can be found here
Please grab your preferred version from the Downloads Page and install doing the following
Note : If your familiar with EDMC this plugin is installed the same way as any other plugin
If you have not installed EDMC or a plugin before, this will help you get started :-
C:\Program Files (x86)\EDMarketConnector
and open it from there. Sometimes it does not add a shortcut to your desktop)File > Settings
If you would like to help with development it would be very much appreciated a guide on how to setup a development environment can be found here. but develop how ever you are happy to do it, you don't have to do it the way it describes.
Please open an issue on Github or come over to the Hutton Orbital Truckers Discord or Facebook