This is an automatic expression generator program using wick's thoerem for quantum chemical theories. It produces expressions for electronic structure theories in the same form as derived by diagrams. This program can be used for unitary coupled cluster formalism.
All input are written in and all latex form output expressions are generated in the latex_output.txt
Have Python 3.0 installed->write an input file and execute file.
Test the code through the file which executes by "Python" It is written to go through simple examples of commutator operaration. Please further test the working of the code by generating all CCSD amplitude expressions by running as "Python". Read the result at latex_output.txt.
X1-project the terms on a single excitation (\psi_i^a) on the left. For use in deriving amplitude terms.
X2-project the terms on a double excitation (\psi_{ij}^{ab}) on the left. For use in deriving amplitude terms.
T1-single excitation operator: t_i^a a^{\dagger}_a a_i
T2-double excitation operator: t_{ij}^{ab} a^{\dagger}_a a^{\dagger}_b a_j a_i D1-single deexcitation operator: d_i^a a^{\dagger}_i a_a)
D2-double deexcitation operator: d_{ij}^{ab} a^{\dagger}_i a^{\dagger}_j a_b a_a
V2-fluctuation operator: 1/4 <pq||rs>a^{\dagger}_p a^{\dagger}_q a_s a_r
F1-fock operator: f_{pq} a^{\dagger}_p a_q
Inside main_tools. To import, use: "from main_tools import comm as comm"...
Inside library. To import, use: "from library import print_terms"...