abaddon-moriarty / Arsene_Lupi-NER

Trying to create an NER specifically for location in the french books called "Arsène Lupin", and at some point overlap this with the Map of France.
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Trying to create an NER specifically for location in the french books called "Arsène Lupin", and at some point overlap this with the Map of France.

Pre-processing the text

The preprocessing.py script will pre-process the texts, removing any oddities that I've come across or normalising the texts so they're easier to handle for SpaCy.

First letter of Chapters

I saw in multiple books that the first letter of each chapter is on a different line than the rest of the sentence. This is probably due to an "initial" being present in the book ("letterine" in French). So the OCR (or what I suspect to be an OCR) separated the two. " V ers six heures du soir, ses opérations terminées, M. Filleul attendait, en compagnie de son greffier, M. Brédoux, la voiture qui devait le ramener à Dieppe. Il paraissait agité, nerveux. Par deux fois il demanda :"

I ran into a bit of a problem with the built-in function list.index(variable), because it doesn't allow for duplicates. So when looping through the text I would

Normalising the chapters

Not every book is split by chapters with the word "Chapitre", sometimes it's roman numerals or simply the name of the chapter which you can find in the "Table des matières" at the beginning of the book.

removing paratext

We are only interested in the text itself, maybe the chapter numbers and names, but the name of the book, links, references or other texts added by Wiki. Right now the lists consists of:

Tutorial Folder

In the tutorial folder you will find my work, following a playlist from Python Tutorials for Digital Humanities on youtube.

The Named Entity Recognition for Digital Humanities playlist seems to go over most aspects of NER, from rule based NER (taking NE from a list) to training our own model. So I will be following their videos.

Keeping in mind that this is work in progress to help me learn NERs and tools in NLP in general, so I will probably be using libraries that are outdated or scripts that are way too slow for what they do and that could be improved. The ultimate goal is of course to get it as close to perfection as I can, but yeah. work in progress.

In video 2, they work on Harry Potter and detecting names from the books. I'll stick to People and not location for this video for educational purposes. I will however apply this directly to Arsène Lupin, even just to get to know the source material a bit better.

I haven't found a list of all Arsène Lupin characters, however there is a list of all AL aliases he uses throughout the books. The list is much shorter but the code should work the same and get me to understand NERs better.


I am using the beautiful soup code that he showed, because I've never used that library (and don't know what I'm doing). And trying to apply it to my Wiki page. I have to adapt it because his and my pages don't have the same format (despite both being lists of Wikipedia).

Extending the Alias List

First of all, "Arsène Lupin" was not in the list of aliases, so I manually added that. The approach used in the video is to get a list of titles that could be associated with any of the names and automatically add it to each one even if it doesn't make sense in the story, which I understand but... yeah.

Libraries Used