ASP.Net Core codebase containing real world examples (CRUD, auth, advanced patterns, etc) that adheres to the RealWorld spec and API.
This codebase was created to demonstrate a fully fledged fullstack application built with ASP.Net Core including CRUD operations, authentication, routing, pagination, and more.
We've gone to great lengths to adhere to the ASP.Net Core community styleguides & best practices.
For more information on how to this works with other frontends/backends, head over to the RealWorld repo.
Work in progress
Describe the general architecture of your app here
This project is using .NET Core SDK 1.0.3 (which includes .NET Core 1.0.4 and .NET Core 1.1.1. Runtime)
Clone the project and open it in VS code. The prerequisite to run are:
You should then be able to start the WebAPI from the debugger in VS code.
Alternatively, type dotnet run from a command line in the src/Sandbox.Server.Http sub-folder.
A sample docker-compose.yml script is provided. After running an initial docker-compose up from the command line on a Docker-enabled machine, the WebAPI will respond at http://localhost:5000 (same as running in the debugger) and mongodb will respond at its default location mongodb://localhost:27017.
The MongoDB container port mapping is for convenience only. So you can safely remove it to avoid conflict with any other running MongoDB daemon.
This repo was originaly cloned from Renaud Calmont repository
Trying here to keep track of and thank all the building blocks composing this project