abcd567a / set-gain

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Read and Set Gain from maps of dump1090-fa / dump1090-mutability

dump1090-fa dump1090-mutability
image image

(A) From below choose the bash script which is applicable your install, copy-paste it in the SSH window, and press Enter key.

For Piaware SD card image
sudo bash -c "$(wget -O -"

For Raspberry Pi OS image with package install of dump1090-fa
sudo bash -c "$(wget -O -"

For Raspberry Pi OS image with package install of dump1090-mutability
sudo bash -c "$(wget -O -"

(B) After running above script, the gain add on is available in browser as follows:

In dump1090-fa
(1) At IP-of-Pi/skyaware/
(2) At IP-of-Pi/gain.php

In dump1090-mutability
(1) At IP-of-Pi/dump1090/gmap.html
(2) At IP-of-Pi/dump1090/gain.php

The set-gain app is started automatically at boot. It can also be started.stopped/status by following commands:
sudo systemctl status set-gain
sudo systemctl restart set-gain
sudo systemctl stop set-gain

Following option is now automatically done by the script. No more required to be done manually

(C) OPTIONAL: Embedd "Set Gain" button into Skyaware Map / Gmap

dump1090-fa (click to expand)
3.1 - Make a backup copy of file index.html by following commands:
``` cd /usr/share/skyaware/html sudo cp index.html index.html.orig # Check backup is created ls index* # Above command will list both files index.html index.html.orig ```
3.2 - Open file index.html for editing
`sudo nano /usr/share/skyaware/html/index.html `

Press Ctrl+W and type buttonContainer and press Enter key
the cursor will jump to `
**Insert** following 3 lines of code **just ABOVE** the line `

3 - After completing above steps
(a) Save file (Ctrl+O) and close (ctrl+x)
(b) Clear browser cache (Ctrl+Shift+Delete) and Reload Browser (Ctrl+F5)
dump1090-mutability (click to expand)
3.1 - Make a backup copy of file gmap.html by following commands:
``` cd /usr/share/dump1090-mutability/html sudo cp gmap.html gmap.html.orig # Check backup is created ls gmap* # Above command will list both files gmap.html gmap.html.orig ```
3.2 - Open file gmap.html for editing
`sudo nano /usr/share/dump1090-mutability/html/gmap.html `

Press Ctrl+W and type sudo_buttons and press Enter key
the cursor will jump to `
**Insert** following 3 lines of code **just ABOVE** the line `

3 - After completing above steps
(a) Save file (Ctrl+O) and close (ctrl+x)
(b) Clear browser cache (Ctrl+Shift+Delete) and Reload Browser (Ctrl+F5)

To Uninstall

dump1090-fa (click to expand)
``` sudo systemctl stop set-gain sudo systemctl disable set-gain sudo rm /usr/lib/systemd/system/set-gain.service sudo rm /usr/share/gain.php sudo rm /var/www/html/gain.php sudo rm -rf /usr/local/sbin/gain sudo lighty-disable-mod fastcgi-php sudo service lighttpd force-reload ## Reboot Pi sudo reboot ``` ### To remove embedded gain button from Skyaware Map ![image]( If you have embeded gain button in Skyaware Map by modifying file `index.html` in folder `/usr/share/skyaware/html/` then it is easy to remove it. **CASE-1: If you followed installation instructions and have created a backup copy `index.html.orig` before starting modifications:** Copy backup file `index.html.orig` over modified file `index.html` by following commands: ``` cd /usr/share/skyaware/html/ sudo cp index.html.orig index.html ## Reload Browser (Ctrl+F5) ``` **CASE-2: If you did not create a backup of file `index.html` before modifying it.** Delete the 3 lines of code you have added to file index.html by following method: (1) Open file index.html for editing ``` sudo nano /usr/share/skyaware/html/index.html ``` (2) Press Ctrl+W and type `buttonContainer` and press Enter key. The cursor will jump to `
` Delete following 3 lines of code you have added just above line `
` ```
``` (3) Save & Close file `index.html` . Go to Skyaware Map and Reload browser (Ctrl+F5).
dump1090-mutability (click to expand)
``` sudo systemctl stop set-gain sudo systemctl disable set-gain sudo rm /usr/lib/systemd/system/set-gain.service sudo rm /usr/share/dump1090-mutability/html/gain.php sudo rm -rf /usr/local/sbin/gain sudo lighty-disable-mod fastcgi-php sudo service lighttpd force-reload ## Reboot Pi sudo reboot ``` ### To remove embedded gain button from GMap ![image]( If you have embeded gain button in GMap by modifying file `gmap.html` in folder `/usr/share/dump1090-mutability/html/` then it is easy to remove it. **CASE-1: If you followed installation instructions and have created a backup copy `index.html.orig` before starting modifications:** Copy backup file `gmap.html.orig` over modified file `gmap.html` by following commands: ``` cd /usr/share/dump1090-mutability/html/ sudo cp gmap.html.orig gmap.html ## Reload Browser (Ctrl+F5) ``` **CASE-2: If you did not create a backup of file `gmap.html` before modifying it.** Delete the 3 lines of code you have added to file gmap.html by following method: (1) Open file gmap.html for editing ``` sudo nano /usr/share/dump1090-mutability/html/gmap.html ``` (2) Press Ctrl+W and type `sudo_buttons` and press Enter key. The cursor will jump to `
` Delete following 3 lines of code you have added just above line `
` ```
``` (3) Save & Close file `gmap.html` . Go to GMap and Reload browser (Ctrl+F5).